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chef-courier-cli reference


Chef Courier CLI



help for chef-courier-cli

Default value: false

chef-courier-cli completion

Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell


Generate the autocompletion script for chef-courier-cli for the specified shell. See each sub-command’s help for details on how to use the generated script.



help for completion

Default value: false

See also

chef-courier-cli completion bash

Generate the autocompletion script for bash


Generate the autocompletion script for the bash shell.

This script depends on the ‘bash-completion’ package. If it is not installed already, you can install it via your OS’s package manager.

To load completions in your current shell session:

source <(chef-courier-cli completion bash)

To load completions for every new session, execute once:


chef-courier-cli completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/chef-courier-cli


chef-courier-cli completion bash > $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d/chef-courier-cli

You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.

completion-bash package

You must have the bash-completion package installed on your workstation to run the completion bash subcommand. To install and configure the package, see the Chef 360 Platform CLI documentation.


chef-courier-cli completion bash



help for bash

Default value: false


disable completion descriptions

Default value: false

See also

chef-courier-cli completion fish

Generate the autocompletion script for fish


Generate the autocompletion script for the fish shell.

To load completions in your current shell session:

chef-courier-cli completion fish | source

To load completions for every new session, execute once:

chef-courier-cli completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/

You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.


chef-courier-cli completion fish [flags]



help for fish

Default value: false


disable completion descriptions

Default value: false

See also

chef-courier-cli completion powershell

Generate the autocompletion script for powershell


Generate the autocompletion script for powershell.

To load completions in your current shell session:

chef-courier-cli completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression

To load completions for every new session, add the output of the above command to your powershell profile.


chef-courier-cli completion powershell [flags]



help for powershell

Default value: false


disable completion descriptions

Default value: false

See also

chef-courier-cli completion zsh

Generate the autocompletion script for zsh


Generate the autocompletion script for the zsh shell.

If shell completion is not already enabled in your environment you will need to enable it. You can execute the following once:

echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc

To load completions in your current shell session:

source <(chef-courier-cli completion zsh)

To load completions for every new session, execute once:


chef-courier-cli completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_chef-courier-cli"


chef-courier-cli completion zsh > $(brew --prefix)/share/zsh/site-functions/_chef-courier-cli

You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.


chef-courier-cli completion zsh [flags]



help for zsh

Default value: false


disable completion descriptions

Default value: false

See also

chef-courier-cli delivery

Commands related to delivery service



help for delivery

Default value: false

See also

chef-courier-cli delivery channel

Commands related to channel



help for channel

Default value: false

See also

chef-courier-cli delivery channel get-url

Fetches connection queue string for a node


Fetches the connection string for a give nodeID. Connection string will be used by courier runner to connect the queue.


chef-courier-cli delivery channel get-url [flags]



to print response in format

Default value: json


help for get-url

Default value: false


name of the profile to be used for cmd

Default value: default


to show debug logs

Default value: false

See also

chef-courier-cli delivery channel send-run

Deliver a run to a node in order that it be executed


Deliver a run to a node in order that it be executed. Delivery may be queued. Note that delivery does not track or report on delivery status at this time. If no delivery channel exists, one will be created.


chef-courier-cli delivery channel send-run [flags]



Job to run on the node.


Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

Default value: json


channel to receive delivery. Currently maps to node identifier.


to print response in format

Default value: json


help for send-run

Default value: false


name of the profile to be used for cmd

Default value: default


to show debug logs

Default value: false

See also

chef-courier-cli deregister-device

De-register a device


Use this operation to de-register a device


chef-courier-cli deregister-device [flags]



force remove profile from local list of profiles, even on error from server

Default value: false


to print response in format

Default value: json


help for deregister-device

Default value: false


name for the profile of the new api-token

Default value: default


to show debug logs

Default value: false

See also

    chef-courier-cli get-default-profile

    Get default profile for request


    chef-courier-cli get-default-profile [flags]



    help for get-default-profile

    Default value: false

    See also

      chef-courier-cli list-profile-names

      Get the list of profile names available


      chef-courier-cli list-profile-names [flags]



      help for list-profile-names

      Default value: false

      See also

        chef-courier-cli orchestrator

        Commands related to orchestrator



        help for orchestrator

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-courier-cli orchestrator add-jobinstance

        Submit a job instance for execution


        chef-courier-cli orchestrator add-jobinstance [flags]



        a job instance to be executed by nodes


        Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


        Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

        Default value: json


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for add-jobinstance

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-courier-cli register-device

        register a device and get api-token for device login


        chef-courier-cli register-device [flags]



        path to ca file


        name of the device

        Default value: device


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for register-device

        Default value: false


        insecure skip verify

        Default value: false


        this flag is used to overwrite the old profile if the profile for profile name provided already exists

        Default value: false


        name for the profile of the new api-token


        tenant url


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

          chef-courier-cli scheduler

          Commands related to scheduler service



          help for scheduler

          Default value: false

          See also

          chef-courier-cli scheduler exceptions

          Commands related to exceptions



          help for exceptions

          Default value: false

          See also

          chef-courier-cli scheduler exceptions add-rule

          Add scheduling exception window.


          Add a scheduling exception window. Jobs will not run during exception windows. All future job run schedules are recalculated when an exception is added.


          chef-courier-cli scheduler exceptions add-rule [flags]



          a new exception rule


          Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


          Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

          Default value: json


          to print response in format

          Default value: json


          help for add-rule

          Default value: false


          name of the profile to be used for cmd

          Default value: default


          to show debug logs

          Default value: false

          See also

          chef-courier-cli scheduler exceptions delete-rule

          Delete scheduling exception rule


          Delete scheduling exception rule. Causes recalculation of all future job execution times.


          chef-courier-cli scheduler exceptions delete-rule [flags]



          ID of a exception


          to print response in format

          Default value: json


          help for delete-rule

          Default value: false


          name of the profile to be used for cmd

          Default value: default


          to show debug logs

          Default value: false

          See also

          chef-courier-cli scheduler exceptions get-rule

          Get scheduling exception rule with exception rule identifier


          chef-courier-cli scheduler exceptions get-rule [flags]



          ID of a exception


          to print response in format

          Default value: json


          help for get-rule

          Default value: false


          name of the profile to be used for cmd

          Default value: default


          to show debug logs

          Default value: false

          See also

          chef-courier-cli scheduler exceptions list-rules

          Get scheduling exception rules


          Get paginated list of all scheduling exception rules


          chef-courier-cli scheduler exceptions list-rules [flags]



          to print response in format

          Default value: json


          help for list-rules

          Default value: false

          what page of the pagination

          Default value: 1


          items per page

          Default value: 10


          name of the profile to be used for cmd

          Default value: default


          to show debug logs

          Default value: false

          See also

          chef-courier-cli scheduler exceptions update-rule

          Update a scheduling exception rule.


          Update a scheduling exception rule. Causes recalculation of all future job execution times.


          chef-courier-cli scheduler exceptions update-rule [flags]



          The updated exception rule.


          Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


          Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

          Default value: json


          ID of a exception


          to print response in format

          Default value: json


          help for update-rule

          Default value: false


          name of the profile to be used for cmd

          Default value: default


          to show debug logs

          Default value: false

          See also

          chef-courier-cli scheduler jobs

          Commands related to jobs



          help for jobs

          Default value: false

          See also

          chef-courier-cli scheduler jobs activated-job

          marks the specified job as having been activated.


          Internal use only. Invoked when a job has been activated. Updates run count and pre-calculates next execution time.


          chef-courier-cli scheduler jobs activated-job [flags]



          to print response in format

          Default value: json


          help for activated-job

          Default value: false


          ID of a Job


          name of the profile to be used for cmd

          Default value: default


          to show debug logs

          Default value: false

          See also

          chef-courier-cli scheduler jobs add-job

          Create a new job.


          Create a new new job.


          chef-courier-cli scheduler jobs add-job [flags]



          The job to be created


          Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


          Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

          Default value: json


          to print response in format

          Default value: json


          help for add-job

          Default value: false


          name of the profile to be used for cmd

          Default value: default


          to show debug logs

          Default value: false

          See also

          chef-courier-cli scheduler jobs cancel-job

          cancel all future occurrences of a job


          prevents future instances of this job from running by updating the job status to ‘canceled’. Note that this will not affect any job instance running at the time of this request.


          chef-courier-cli scheduler jobs cancel-job [flags]



          to print response in format

          Default value: json


          help for cancel-job

          Default value: false


          ID of a Job


          name of the profile to be used for cmd

          Default value: default


          to show debug logs

          Default value: false

          See also

          chef-courier-cli scheduler jobs delete-job

          Deletes the specified job


          Deletes the job identified by jobId


          chef-courier-cli scheduler jobs delete-job [flags]



          to print response in format

          Default value: json


          help for delete-job

          Default value: false


          ID of a Job


          name of the profile to be used for cmd

          Default value: default


          to show debug logs

          Default value: false

          See also

          chef-courier-cli scheduler jobs estimate-run-times

          get future execution times for a job


          get one or more estimated run times for the specified job


          chef-courier-cli scheduler jobs estimate-run-times [flags]



          number of future runs to retrieve

          Default value: 0


          to print response in format

          Default value: json


          help for estimate-run-times

          Default value: false


          ID of a Job


          name of the profile to be used for cmd

          Default value: default


          to show debug logs

          Default value: false

          See also

          chef-courier-cli scheduler jobs get-head

          Retrieve request headers for a job by its identifier.


          this can be used to verify that a job does (or does not) exist, without retrieving the job itself.


          chef-courier-cli scheduler jobs get-head [flags]



          to print response in format

          Default value: json


          help for get-head

          Default value: false


          ID of a Job


          name of the profile to be used for cmd

          Default value: default


          to show debug logs

          Default value: false

          See also

          chef-courier-cli scheduler jobs get-job

          Retrieve the job by identifier


          Returns the specific job


          chef-courier-cli scheduler jobs get-job [flags]



          to print response in format

          Default value: json


          help for get-job

          Default value: false


          ID of a Job


          name of the profile to be used for cmd

          Default value: default


          to show debug logs

          Default value: false

          See also

          chef-courier-cli scheduler jobs get-pastDueJobs

          Retrieve the jobs that are due to run as of the given ‘deadline’


          Fetches jobs that are expected to run at or before ‘deadline’ passes.


          chef-courier-cli scheduler jobs get-pastDueJobs [flags]



          filter by job instances initiated before the given time.


          to print response in format

          Default value: json


          help for get-pastDueJobs

          Default value: false


          name of the profile to be used for cmd

          Default value: default


          to show debug logs

          Default value: false

          See also

          chef-courier-cli scheduler jobs list-jobs

          List all jobs.


          Lists all jobs. If a filter is provided and no results match, an empty list will be returned.


          chef-courier-cli scheduler jobs list-jobs [flags]



          Filter by active jobs. An active job is defined as one with an 'active' status that is also scheduled for at least one future execution.

          Default value: false


          to print response in format

          Default value: json


          help for list-jobs

          Default value: false

          what page of the pagination

          Default value: 1


          items per page

          Default value: 10


          name of the profile to be used for cmd

          Default value: default


          The Status to filter the jobs list by


          to show debug logs

          Default value: false

          See also

          chef-courier-cli scheduler jobs update-job

          replace the job with the new job provided.


          Updates the job and recalculates its next scheduled run. This update will have no effect previous or in-flight executions of this job. == NOTE == This operation is not currently supported


          chef-courier-cli scheduler jobs update-job [flags]



          The job to be updated


          Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


          Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

          Default value: json


          to print response in format

          Default value: json


          help for update-job

          Default value: false


          ID of a Job


          name of the profile to be used for cmd

          Default value: default


          to show debug logs

          Default value: false

          See also

          chef-courier-cli set-default-profile

          Set default profile for request


          chef-courier-cli set-default-profile [flags]



          help for set-default-profile

          Default value: false

          See also

            chef-courier-cli state

            Commands related to state service



            help for state

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-courier-cli state instance

            Commands related to instance



            help for instance

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-courier-cli state instance complete-instance

            Update a Job Instance’s state to complete.


            Update the job instance state to complete, with the provided status. A Job Instance is expected to marked as ‘failure’ or ‘success’ as soon as the determination is made, which can occur while some nodes are still performing actions. These updates will be captured but will not affect the final status of the Job Instance. An Instance is considered successful only if all of its Success Criteria have been met.


            chef-courier-cli state instance complete-instance [flags]




            Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


            Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

            Default value: json


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for complete-instance

            Default value: false


            The unique identifier of a Job Instance


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-courier-cli state instance create-instance

            Capture the state of a job that is about to be started.


            Captures the Job Instance and its expanded job-run list to state. This request will fail with a 500 response if both operations are not completed successfully. This allows the system to track the nodes it is expecting to hear in from, without relying on those nodes checking in to be visible. Typically invoked by Orchestrator when it is preparing to run a job instance.


            chef-courier-cli state instance create-instance [flags]



            The Job Instance to capture


            Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


            Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

            Default value: json


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for create-instance

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-courier-cli state instance get-instance

            get the requested Job Instance


            This retrieves a Job Instance record for the given instance-id. The run records associated with the Job Instance are not included in the results.

            Note that instances that have been moved to history will not be available with this API.


            chef-courier-cli state instance get-instance [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for get-instance

            Default value: false


            The unique identifier of a Job Instance


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-courier-cli state instance list-all

            retrieve job instances


            Fetch a list of job instances, filtered by the provided query parameters. Results will contain only those records matching all provided filters.


            chef-courier-cli state instance list-all [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for list-all

            Default value: false


            filter by job instances originating from the given job


            what page of the pagination

            Default value: 1


            items per page

            Default value: 10


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            filter by job instances initiated after the given time.


            filter by job instances initiated before the given time.


            filter by the provided instance status


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-courier-cli state instance list-instance-runs

            list all job runs for the given job instance


            Retrieves all runs in the given job instance, filtered by the provided query parameters. Results returned will meet all filter criteria provided.


            chef-courier-cli state instance list-instance-runs [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            filter results to include only those in the specified group

            Default value: 0


            help for list-instance-runs

            Default value: false


            The unique identifier of a Job Instance


            what page of the pagination

            Default value: 1


            items per page

            Default value: 10


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            filter results to include only job runs last updated after this date


            filter results to include only job runs last updated prior to this date


            filters results to include only job runs with this status


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-courier-cli state run

            Commands related to run



            help for run

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-courier-cli state run attach-step-attempt-evidence


            Upload evidence (artifacts) related to completion of the step, such as command output. Content is expected to be uploaded as multipart/form-data in gzipped format. Evidence upload does not affect the status of an action within the job run. Client must PUT to state/run/{runId}/step/{stepId} prior to uploading evidence. Future: The capture of evidence will be processed asynchronously


            chef-courier-cli state run attach-step-attempt-evidence [flags]



            the attempt number for a given step/action within a job run.

            Default value: 0


            Takes path of file.


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for attach-step-attempt-evidence

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            The unique identifier of a job run in GUID format.


            a single step/action within a job run.

            Default value: 0


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-courier-cli state run complete-run

            Update a run to indicate it is complete.


            Updates the run’s state reflect that the job run has been completed. Generally used by the client to indicate it has completed processing all steps of a run.


            chef-courier-cli state run complete-run [flags]




            Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


            Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

            Default value: json


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for complete-run

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            The unique identifier of a job run in GUID format.


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-courier-cli state run get-run

            provides job run details for any job run id


            this is intended as an endpoint to provide job run details for provided job run id. Results will not include any steps. For those, use the endpoint run/{runId}/steps. Note that job runs that have been moved to history will not be available via this API.


            chef-courier-cli state run get-run [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for get-run

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            The unique identifier of a job run in GUID format.


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-courier-cli state run get-step-attempt-evidence


            This provides a signed expiring download URL to the artifact associated with this job run step attempt. == COMPATIBILITY NOTE == This will be changing for GA to provide direct download of the artifact.


            chef-courier-cli state run get-step-attempt-evidence [flags]



            the attempt number for a given step/action within a job run.

            Default value: 0


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for get-step-attempt-evidence

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            The unique identifier of a job run in GUID format.


            a single step/action within a job run.

            Default value: 0


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-courier-cli state run list-steps

            retrieve all step results for the given run


            Fetch paginated step results for a given run. Does not include artifacts, which must be queried separately.


            chef-courier-cli state run list-steps [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for list-steps

            Default value: false


            what page of the pagination

            Default value: 1


            items per page

            Default value: 10


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            The unique identifier of a job run in GUID format.


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-courier-cli state run received-run

            Notify the State system that a job run has been received.


            Updates the job run state to reflect that the job run has been received by the client. This will also update the last-update time, delaying timeout in orchestrator.


            chef-courier-cli state run received-run [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for received-run

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            The unique identifier of a job run in GUID format.


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-courier-cli state run timeout-run

            Update a run to indicate that it has timed out


            Updates the run’s state to reflect that the job run has been timed out by Orchestrator. Intended for internal use by chef-orchestrator-watchdog. A timeout will not update the last-updated time, so that there remains record of the last time Courier Server heard from the node. IMPORTANT> Even though orchestrator considers the run-timed out and will no longer be tracking it, the can still check in and complete the run. In this case, the timeout status will be replaced with the final status as long as the instance has not been migrated to history.


            chef-courier-cli state run timeout-run [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for timeout-run

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            The unique identifier of a job run in GUID format.


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-courier-cli state run update-step


            Status endpoint used by a node to update the status and state of the given step. These messages will be are processed asynchronously by the State Service. Receipt timestamp will be captured at server-side as the last-update/alive time received. Client is expected to invoke this API endpoint at the start and completion of the step (with appropriate status/state values); and if a reboot is required it should also perform an interim update with ‘active’ status.


            chef-courier-cli state run update-step [flags]




            Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


            Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

            Default value: json


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for update-step

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            The unique identifier of a job run in GUID format.


            a single step/action within a job run.

            Default value: 0


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-courier-cli version

            Chef Courier cli


            chef-courier-cli version [flags]



            help for version

            Default value: false

            See also

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