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chef-node-management-cli reference


Chef Node Management CLI



help for chef-node-management-cli

Default value: false

chef-node-management-cli completion

Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell


Generate the autocompletion script for chef-node-management-cli for the specified shell. See each sub-command’s help for details on how to use the generated script.



help for completion

Default value: false

See also

chef-node-management-cli completion bash

Generate the autocompletion script for bash


Generate the autocompletion script for the bash shell.

This script depends on the ‘bash-completion’ package. If it is not installed already, you can install it via your OS’s package manager.

To load completions in your current shell session:

source <(chef-node-management-cli completion bash)

To load completions for every new session, execute once:


chef-node-management-cli completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/chef-node-management-cli


chef-node-management-cli completion bash > $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d/chef-node-management-cli

You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.

completion-bash package

You must have the bash-completion package installed on your workstation to run the completion bash subcommand. To install and configure the package, see the Chef 360 Platform CLI documentation.


chef-node-management-cli completion bash



help for bash

Default value: false


disable completion descriptions

Default value: false

See also

chef-node-management-cli completion fish

Generate the autocompletion script for fish


Generate the autocompletion script for the fish shell.

To load completions in your current shell session:

chef-node-management-cli completion fish | source

To load completions for every new session, execute once:

chef-node-management-cli completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/

You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.


chef-node-management-cli completion fish [flags]



help for fish

Default value: false


disable completion descriptions

Default value: false

See also

chef-node-management-cli completion powershell

Generate the autocompletion script for powershell


Generate the autocompletion script for powershell.

To load completions in your current shell session:

chef-node-management-cli completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression

To load completions for every new session, add the output of the above command to your powershell profile.


chef-node-management-cli completion powershell [flags]



help for powershell

Default value: false


disable completion descriptions

Default value: false

See also

chef-node-management-cli completion zsh

Generate the autocompletion script for zsh


Generate the autocompletion script for the zsh shell.

If shell completion is not already enabled in your environment you will need to enable it. You can execute the following once:

echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc

To load completions in your current shell session:

source <(chef-node-management-cli completion zsh)

To load completions for every new session, execute once:


chef-node-management-cli completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_chef-node-management-cli"


chef-node-management-cli completion zsh > $(brew --prefix)/share/zsh/site-functions/_chef-node-management-cli

You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.


chef-node-management-cli completion zsh [flags]



help for zsh

Default value: false


disable completion descriptions

Default value: false

See also

chef-node-management-cli deregister-device

De-register a device


Use this operation to de-register a device


chef-node-management-cli deregister-device [flags]



force remove profile from local list of profiles, even on error from server

Default value: false


to print response in format

Default value: json


help for deregister-device

Default value: false


name for the profile of the new api-token

Default value: default


to show debug logs

Default value: false

See also

    chef-node-management-cli enrollment

    Commands related to enrollment



    help for enrollment

    Default value: false

    See also

    chef-node-management-cli enrollment bulk-enroll

    Bulk enrollment of nodes with the node management


    This operation bulk enrolls the nodes in the node management.


    chef-node-management-cli enrollment bulk-enroll [flags]



    Takes path of file.


    to print response in format

    Default value: json


    help for bulk-enroll

    Default value: false


    name of the profile to be used for cmd

    Default value: default


    to show debug logs

    Default value: false

    See also

    chef-node-management-cli enrollment enroll-node

    Enrol a node with the node management


    This operation enrol a node in the node management.


    chef-node-management-cli enrollment enroll-node [flags]



    The node enrollment request


    Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


    Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

    Default value: json


    to print response in format

    Default value: json


    help for enroll-node

    Default value: false


    name of the profile to be used for cmd

    Default value: default


    to show debug logs

    Default value: false

    See also

    chef-node-management-cli get-default-profile

    Get default profile for request


    chef-node-management-cli get-default-profile [flags]



    help for get-default-profile

    Default value: false

    See also

      chef-node-management-cli list-profile-names

      Get the list of profile names available


      chef-node-management-cli list-profile-names [flags]



      help for list-profile-names

      Default value: false

      See also

        chef-node-management-cli management

        Commands related to state service



        help for management

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management assembly

        Commands related to assembly



        help for assembly

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management assembly create-assembly

        Add a skill assembly.


        This operation enables the addition of a new skill assembly to the node management.


        chef-node-management-cli management assembly create-assembly [flags]



        The skill assembly to be added


        Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


        Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

        Default value: json


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for create-assembly

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management assembly delete-assembly

        Deletes a skill assembly.


        Use this operation to delete a skill assembly using its ID. Deletion of the skill assembly is not allowed when there are any cohorts associated with the given assembly ID.


        chef-node-management-cli management assembly delete-assembly [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for delete-assembly

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        Id of the skill assembly


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management assembly find-all-assemblies

        List the skill assemblies under node management.


        This operation allows users to search for skill assemblies under node management in the current organization.


        chef-node-management-cli management assembly find-all-assemblies [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for find-all-assemblies

        Default value: false

        what page of the pagination

        Default value: 1


        items per page

        Default value: 10


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management assembly find-one-assembly

        Get a skill assembly by its id.


        Use this operation to obtain a skill assembly given its id.


        chef-node-management-cli management assembly find-one-assembly [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for find-one-assembly

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        Id of the skill assembly


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management assembly update-assembly

        Updates a skill assembly rules.


        Use this operation to update skill assembly rules. This will replace the entire rule set with the new one.


        chef-node-management-cli management assembly update-assembly [flags]



        The skill assembly to be added


        Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


        Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

        Default value: json


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for update-assembly

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        Id of the skill assembly


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management cohort

        Commands related to cohort



        help for cohort

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management cohort assign-setting

        Update a node cohort’s override settings group.


        Use this operation to update a node cohort’s associated override settings group.


        chef-node-management-cli management cohort assign-setting [flags]



        Id of the node cohort


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for assign-setting

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        Id of the settings group


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management cohort assign-skillAssembly

        Update a node cohort’s skill assembly.


        Use this operation to update a node cohort’s skill assembly.


        chef-node-management-cli management cohort assign-skillAssembly [flags]



        Id of the node cohort


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for assign-skillAssembly

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        Id of the skill assembly


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management cohort create-cohort

        Add a node cohort.


        This operation enables the addition of a new node cohort to the node management.


        chef-node-management-cli management cohort create-cohort [flags]



        The node cohort to be added


        Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


        Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

        Default value: json


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for create-cohort

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management cohort delete-cohort

        Deletes a node cohort.


        Use this operation to delete a node cohort using its id. The deletion of the node cohort is not allowed when there are any nodes associated with a given cohort.


        chef-node-management-cli management cohort delete-cohort [flags]



        Id of the node cohort


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for delete-cohort

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management cohort find-all-cohorts

        List the node cohorts under node management.


        This operation allows users to search for node cohorts under node management in the current organization.


        chef-node-management-cli management cohort find-all-cohorts [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for find-all-cohorts

        Default value: false

        what page of the pagination

        Default value: 1


        items per page

        Default value: 10


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management cohort find-one-cohort

        Get a node cohort by its id.


        Use this operation to obtain a node cohort given its id.


        chef-node-management-cli management cohort find-one-cohort [flags]



        Id of the node cohort


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for find-one-cohort

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management filter

        Commands related to filter



        help for filter

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management filter create-filter

        Add a node filter.


        This operation enables the addition of a new node filter to node management. A node filter comprises a set of constraints used to identify matching nodes.


        chef-node-management-cli management filter create-filter [flags]



        The node filter to be added


        Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


        Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

        Default value: json


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for create-filter

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management filter delete-filter

        Delete a node filter by its id.


        Use this operation to delete a node filter using its id.


        chef-node-management-cli management filter delete-filter [flags]



        Id of the node filter


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for delete-filter

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management filter find-all-filters

        List the node filters under node management.


        This operation allows users to search for node filters under node management in the current organization.


        chef-node-management-cli management filter find-all-filters [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for find-all-filters

        Default value: false

        what page of the pagination

        Default value: 1


        items per page

        Default value: 10


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management filter find-one-filter

        Get a node filter by its id.


        Use this operation to obtain a node filter given its id.


        chef-node-management-cli management filter find-one-filter [flags]



        Id of the node filter


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for find-one-filter

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management filter run-adhocFilter

        Runs an adhooc filter and returns the matching nodes.


        Use this operation to execute an adhooc filter. The result of each invocation of this operation could yield a different set of nodes.


        chef-node-management-cli management filter run-adhocFilter [flags]



        The filter to run


        Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


        Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

        Default value: json


        Specifies whether to retrieve the list with node IDs or node details.

        Default value: false


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for run-adhocFilter

        Default value: false

        what page of the pagination

        Default value: 1


        items per page

        Default value: 10


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management filter run-savedFilter

        Runs a saved filter and returns the matching nodes.


        Use this operation to execute a saved filter. The result of each invocation of this operation could yield a different set of nodes.


        chef-node-management-cli management filter run-savedFilter [flags]



        Specifies whether to retrieve the list with node IDs or node details.

        Default value: false


        Id of the node filter


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for run-savedFilter

        Default value: false

        what page of the pagination

        Default value: 1


        items per page

        Default value: 10


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management filter update-filter

        Update a node filter given its id.


        Use this operation to update a node filter. This will replace the existing filter with the new one.


        chef-node-management-cli management filter update-filter [flags]



        The updated filter


        Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


        Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

        Default value: json


        Id of the node filter


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for update-filter

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management list

        Commands related to list



        help for list

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management list add-nodes

        Add a list of node IDs to an existing node list.


        Use this operation to add new node ids to a node list.


        chef-node-management-cli management list add-nodes [flags]



        The node ids to add


        Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


        Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

        Default value: json


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for add-nodes

        Default value: false


        Id of the node list


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management list create-list

        Add a node list.


        This operation enables the addition of a new node list to the node management. A node list consists of node IDs managed under node management.


        chef-node-management-cli management list create-list [flags]



        The node list to be added


        Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


        Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

        Default value: json


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for create-list

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management list delete-list

        Deletes a node list.


        Use this operation to delete a node list using its id.


        chef-node-management-cli management list delete-list [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for delete-list

        Default value: false


        Id of the node list


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management list find-all-lists

        List the node lists under node management.


        This operation allows users to search for node lists under node management in the current organization.


        chef-node-management-cli management list find-all-lists [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for find-all-lists

        Default value: false

        what page of the pagination

        Default value: 1


        items per page

        Default value: 10


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management list find-one-list

        Get a node list by its id.


        Use this operation to obtain a node list given its id.


        chef-node-management-cli management list find-one-list [flags]



        Specifies whether to retrieve the list with node IDs or node details.

        Default value: false


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for find-one-list

        Default value: false


        Id of the node list


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management list remove-nodes

        Remove a list of node ids to an existing node list.


        Use this operation to remove new node ids to a node list.


        chef-node-management-cli management list remove-nodes [flags]



        The node ids to remove


        Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


        Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

        Default value: json


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for remove-nodes

        Default value: false


        Id of the node list


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management node

        Commands related to node



        help for node

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management node assign-cohort

        Update a node’s cohort.


        Use this operation to update a node’s cohort.


        chef-node-management-cli management node assign-cohort [flags]



        Id of the node cohort


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for assign-cohort

        Default value: false


        Id of a node


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management node checkin-node

        The subsequent check-in by the node management agent.


        This operation is intended to be used by the node management agent, which utilizes it during subsequent check-ins."


        chef-node-management-cli management node checkin-node [flags]



        The node's checkin data


        Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


        Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

        Default value: json


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for checkin-node

        Default value: false


        Id of a node


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management node create-node

        Register a node with the node management


        This operation registers a new node in the node management.


        chef-node-management-cli management node create-node [flags]



        The node to be added


        Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


        Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

        Default value: json


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for create-node

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management node delete-attributes

        Deletes the attributes with the provided namespace on a node.


        Use this operation to delete attributes within a namespace. Attribute names can be provided through query parameters. If names are provided, only those attributes will be deleted. Otherwise, the entire namespace will be deleted.


        chef-node-management-cli management node delete-attributes [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for delete-attributes

        Default value: false


        The name of the property (attribute or tag)

        Default value: []


        An attribute's namespace


        Id of a node


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management node delete-tags

        Delete the tags on a node.


        Use this operation to delete the tags. Tag names can be provided through query parameters. If names are provided, only those tags will be deleted. Otherwise, the entire tags will be deleted.


        chef-node-management-cli management node delete-tags [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for delete-tags

        Default value: false


        The name of the property (attribute or tag)

        Default value: []


        Id of a node


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management node find-all-nodes

        List the nodes under node management.


        This operation will allow users to search for nodes under node management in the current organization.


        chef-node-management-cli management node find-all-nodes [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for find-all-nodes

        Default value: false

        what page of the pagination

        Default value: 1


        items per page

        Default value: 10


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management node find-one-node

        Get a node uisng its id.


        Use this operation to retrieve data for a single node in the node management.


        chef-node-management-cli management node find-one-node [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for find-one-node

        Default value: false


        Id of a node


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management node find-ou-nodes

        Filters a list of node ids to only those nodes in the OU of the request.


        Use this operation to provide a list of node ids from potentially mixed OUs and receive a response of lists filtered to the OU of the request.


        chef-node-management-cli management node find-ou-nodes [flags]



        The list of node ids to filter


        Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


        Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

        Default value: json


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for find-ou-nodes

        Default value: false

        what page of the pagination

        Default value: 1


        items per page

        Default value: 10


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management node modify-attributes

        Modifies the attributes with the provided namespace on a node.


        Use this operation to modify a node’s namespaced attributes. This operation replaces the existing attribute value with the new one and adds any missing attributes.


        chef-node-management-cli management node modify-attributes [flags]



        The modified attributes


        Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


        Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

        Default value: json


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for modify-attributes

        Default value: false


        An attribute's namespace


        Id of a node


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management node modify-tags

        Modify the tags on a node.


        Use this operation to modify a node’s tags. This operation replaces the existing tag value with the new one and adds any missing tags.


        chef-node-management-cli management node modify-tags [flags]



        The modified tags


        Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


        Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

        Default value: json


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for modify-tags

        Default value: false


        Id of a node


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management node update-attributes

        Updates the attributes with the provided namespace on a node.


        Use this operation to update a node’s namespaced attributes. If any attributes exist for the given namespace, this operation completely replaces the old attributes with the new ones.


        chef-node-management-cli management node update-attributes [flags]



        The updated attributes


        Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


        Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

        Default value: json


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for update-attributes

        Default value: false


        An attribute's namespace


        Id of a node


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management node update-tags

        Update the tags on a node.


        Use this operation to update a node’s tags. If any tags exist, this operation completely replaces the old tags with the new ones.


        chef-node-management-cli management node update-tags [flags]



        The updated tags


        Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


        Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

        Default value: json


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for update-tags

        Default value: false


        Id of a node


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management setting

        Commands related to setting



        help for setting

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management setting create-setting

        Add a node override settings


        This operation will enable the addition of a node override settings based on skill groups.


        chef-node-management-cli management setting create-setting [flags]



        The override settings to be added


        Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


        Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

        Default value: json


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for create-setting

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management setting delete-setting

        Deletes a override settings group


        Use this operation to delete a override settings group using its id.


        chef-node-management-cli management setting delete-setting [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for delete-setting

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        Id of the settings group


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management setting find-all-settings

        Get the list of override settings under node management.


        Use this operation to obtain all the override settings for a settings group.


        chef-node-management-cli management setting find-all-settings [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for find-all-settings

        Default value: false

        what page of the pagination

        Default value: 1


        items per page

        Default value: 10


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management setting find-one-setting

        Get override settings by id


        Use this operation to obtain override settings for a settings group given its id.


        chef-node-management-cli management setting find-one-setting [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for find-one-setting

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        Id of the settings group


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management setting get-skillSettings

        Get merged global and override settings by id and skill


        Use this operation to get merged global and override settings for a skill.


        chef-node-management-cli management setting get-skillSettings [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for get-skillSettings

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        Id of the settings group


        name of Skill


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management setting update-defaultSettings

        Update default settings for a skill


        Use this operation to update default settings for a skill.


        chef-node-management-cli management setting update-defaultSettings [flags]



        The updated skill override settings


        Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


        Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

        Default value: json


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for update-defaultSettings

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        name of Skill


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management setting update-skillSettings

        Create or update Override Settings for a Skill


        Use this operation to update override settings for a skill.


        chef-node-management-cli management setting update-skillSettings [flags]



        The updated skill override settings


        Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


        Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

        Default value: json


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for update-skillSettings

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        Id of the settings group


        name of Skill


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management skill

        Commands related to skill



        help for skill

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management skill create-skill

        Add a skill definition


        This method will allow the addition of a new skill definition to the node management.


        chef-node-management-cli management skill create-skill [flags]



        The skill definition to be added


        Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


        Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

        Default value: json


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for create-skill

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management skill delete-skill

        Deletes a skill definition


        Use this operation to delete a skill definition using its name.


        chef-node-management-cli management skill delete-skill [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for delete-skill

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        name of Skill


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management skill find-all-skills

        List the skill definitions under node management


        This method will list all skill definitions related to management in the current organization.


        chef-node-management-cli management skill find-all-skills [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for find-all-skills

        Default value: false

        what page of the pagination

        Default value: 1


        items per page

        Default value: 10


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management skill find-one-skill

        Get skill definition


        Use this operation to obtain a skill definition using the skill name (it is case-insensitive).


        chef-node-management-cli management skill find-one-skill [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for find-one-skill

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        name of Skill


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management skill modify-skill

        Modify a skill definition


        Use this operation to modify a skill definition using its name. Put requests can modify canister, native definitions, as well as configuration templates.


        chef-node-management-cli management skill modify-skill [flags]



        The updated skill definition


        Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


        Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

        Default value: json


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for modify-skill

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        name of Skill


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli management skill update-agent

        Register/Update node management agent skill along with the default settings.


        The node management agent is a specialized skill; use this operation to update the node management agent’s skill. This operation registers the node management agent as a special skill, enabling the updating of the node management agent. It also establishes the default settings for the node management agent to function during skill installation, as well as for self-updating.


        chef-node-management-cli management skill update-agent [flags]



        The data for node management agent skill


        Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


        Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

        Default value: json


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for update-agent

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-node-management-cli register-device

        register a device and get api-token for device login


        chef-node-management-cli register-device [flags]



        path to ca file


        name of the device

        Default value: device


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for register-device

        Default value: false


        insecure skip verify

        Default value: false


        this flag is used to overwrite the old profile if the profile for profile name provided already exists

        Default value: false


        name for the profile of the new api-token


        tenant url


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

          chef-node-management-cli set-default-profile

          Set default profile for request


          chef-node-management-cli set-default-profile [flags]



          help for set-default-profile

          Default value: false

          See also

            chef-node-management-cli status

            Commands related to status



            help for status

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-node-management-cli status get-enrollmentId-status

            Get node(s) enrollment status using enrollment id


            Use this operation to obtain the node(s) enrollment status using enrollment id


            chef-node-management-cli status get-enrollmentId-status [flags]



            Enrollment Id of node/nodes


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for get-enrollmentId-status

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-node-management-cli status get-status

            Get node enrollment status


            Use this operation to obtain a node enrollment status


            chef-node-management-cli status get-status [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for get-status

            Default value: false


            Id of a node


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-node-management-cli status update-status

            update the node enrollment status


            Use this operation to update the node enrollment state and status.


            chef-node-management-cli status update-status [flags]



            The updated node enrollment status definition


            Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


            Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

            Default value: json


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for update-status

            Default value: false


            Id of a node


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-node-management-cli version

            Chef Platform version


            chef-node-management-cli version [flags]



            help for version

            Default value: false

            See also

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