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chef-platform-auth-cli reference


Chef Platform auth CLI


Chef Platform auth CLI is use to get authenticate



help for chef-platform-auth-cli

Default value: false

chef-platform-auth-cli authz

Commands for node account


Commands for managing node account



help for authz

Default value: false

See also

chef-platform-auth-cli authz policy

Commands related to policy



help for policy

Default value: false

See also

chef-platform-auth-cli authz policy create-policy

create a policy under the current organization



This operation will create a new user-defined policy under current organization. Policies allow access to API end-points based upon routing rules and enforced by the API gateway. Policies do not enforce attribute based access rules (ABAC) inside a domain on an object (e.g. User A can execute courier job 1234).


This method will always result in a Policy which is defined by “User”


400 (Bad Request)


401 (Unauthorised)

The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

403 (Forbidden)

User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

409 (Conflict)

Policy name already exist in this organizational unit

422 (Unprocessable Content)

The policy does not meet the validation requirements. Reference the errors in the response for more details.

500 (Internal Server Error)

Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


chef-platform-auth-cli authz policy create-policy [flags]



The policy to be created


Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

Default value: json


to print response in format

Default value: json


help for create-policy

Default value: false


name of the profile to be used for cmd

Default value: default


to show debug logs

Default value: false

See also

chef-platform-auth-cli authz policy delete-policy

Delete a policy



This operation will delete an existing policy under current org.


This method will only allow deleting of user-defined policies


401 (Unauthorised)

The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

403 (Forbidden)

User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

404 (Not Found)

Policy doesn’t exist in this organization

412 (Precondition Failed)

If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not deleted.

423 (Locked)

Policy is not a user-defined Policy and thus can not be deleted

500 (Internal Server Error)

Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


chef-platform-auth-cli authz policy delete-policy [flags]



to print response in format

Default value: json


help for delete-policy

Default value: false


If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


ID of a Policy


name of the profile to be used for cmd

Default value: default


to show debug logs

Default value: false

See also

chef-platform-auth-cli authz policy disable-policy

Disable a policy in the current organization



Use this operation when there is a need to disable a policy. This will deactivate the policy enforcement.


This operation can only be used to disable an already enabled User policy.


401 (Unauthorised)

The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

403 (Forbidden)

User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

404 (Not Found)

The policy requested does not exist in the organization

409 (Conflict)

Expect this error code if the policy is already disabled

412 (Precondition Failed)

If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

423 (Locked)

Policy is not a User policy

500 (Internal Server Error)

Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


chef-platform-auth-cli authz policy disable-policy [flags]



to print response in format

Default value: json


help for disable-policy

Default value: false


If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


ID of a Policy


name of the profile to be used for cmd

Default value: default


to show debug logs

Default value: false

See also

chef-platform-auth-cli authz policy enable-policy

Enable a policy in the current organization



Use this operation to enable a disabled policy. This will enable enforcement of the policy.


This operation can only be used to enable an already disabled User policy.


401 (Unauthorised)

The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

403 (Forbidden)

User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

404 (Not Found)

The policy requested does not exist in the organization

409 (Conflict)

Expect this error code if the policy is already enabled

412 (Precondition Failed)

If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

423 (Locked)

Policy is not a user-defined policy

500 (Internal Server Error)

Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


chef-platform-auth-cli authz policy enable-policy [flags]



to print response in format

Default value: json


help for enable-policy

Default value: false


If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


ID of a Policy


name of the profile to be used for cmd

Default value: default


to show debug logs

Default value: false

See also

chef-platform-auth-cli authz policy get-policy

Get details of a policy



Use this operation to get details of a user-defined policy or a system defined policy in the organization


401 (Unauthorised)

The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

403 (Forbidden)

User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

404 (Not Found)

The policy requested does not exist in the organization and neither a system policy

500 (Internal Server Error)

Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


chef-platform-auth-cli authz policy get-policy [flags]



to print response in format

Default value: json


help for get-policy

Default value: false


ID of a Policy


name of the profile to be used for cmd

Default value: default


to show debug logs

Default value: false

See also

chef-platform-auth-cli authz policy list-policy

List policies



This operation will search for user-defined policies registered in the current organization and system policies


Unless definedBy is specified this will default to limiting results to user defined policies


401 (Unauthorised)

The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

403 (Forbidden)

User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

422 (Unprocessable Content)

The request query string options does not meet the validation requirements. Reference the errors in the response for more details.

500 (Internal Server Error)

Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


chef-platform-auth-cli authz policy list-policy [flags]



the policy must contain a statement with this action


who defined the policy

Default value: user


A partial match against the description of a Policy


to print response in format

Default value: json


help for list-policy

Default value: false


A partial match against the name of a Policy

what page of the pagination

Default value: 1


items per page

Default value: 10


name of the profile to be used for cmd

Default value: default


the policy must contain a statement with a partial match of this text in the route


The Status of the policies to filter by


A partial match against the name or description of a Policy


the policy must contain a statement with this verb


to show debug logs

Default value: false

See also

chef-platform-auth-cli authz policy test-policy

Test a policy



This operation can be used to sumbit an array of routes and HTTP verb to test a policy


400 (Bad Request)


401 (Unauthorised)

The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

403 (Forbidden)

User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

404 (Not Found)

The policy requested is neither a system policy; nor it exists in the organization

422 (Unprocessable Content)

The requested payload does not meet the validation requirements. Reference the errors in the response for more details.

500 (Internal Server Error)

Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


chef-platform-auth-cli authz policy test-policy [flags]



Array of URIs to test


Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

Default value: json


to print response in format

Default value: json


help for test-policy

Default value: false


ID of a Policy


name of the profile to be used for cmd

Default value: default


to show debug logs

Default value: false

See also

chef-platform-auth-cli authz policy update-policy

Update a policy



This operation will update an existing policy under current org.


This method will only allow updating of user-defined policies


400 (Bad Request)


401 (Unauthorised)

The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

403 (Forbidden)

User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

404 (Not Found)

Policy doesn’t exist in this organization

409 (Conflict)

Policy name already exist in this organization

412 (Precondition Failed)

If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

422 (Unprocessable Content)

The policy does not meet the validation requirements. Reference the errors in the response for more details.

423 (Locked)

Policy is not a user-defined Policy and thus can not be updated

500 (Internal Server Error)

Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


chef-platform-auth-cli authz policy update-policy [flags]



The policy details to be updated


Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

Default value: json


to print response in format

Default value: json


help for update-policy

Default value: false


If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


ID of a Policy


name of the profile to be used for cmd

Default value: default


to show debug logs

Default value: false

See also

chef-platform-auth-cli authz role

Commands related to role



help for role

Default value: false

See also

chef-platform-auth-cli authz role assign-policy

Assign a user-defined policy to user-defined role in the current organization



This operation will assign a user-defined policy to the given user-defined role in the current organization


This method will only allow assigning a user-defined policy to a user-defined role


400 (Bad Request)


401 (Unauthorised)

The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

403 (Forbidden)

User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

404 (Not Found)

The role you requested does not exist in the organization

409 (Conflict)

The policy is already assigned to this role

412 (Precondition Failed)

If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

423 (Locked)

The requested role is not a user managed role

423 (Locked)

The policy is not a user-defined policy

423 (Locked)

The requested role is disabled

423 (Locked)

The requested policy is disabled

500 (Internal Server Error)

Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


chef-platform-auth-cli authz role assign-policy [flags]



policy to add


Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

Default value: json


to print response in format

Default value: json


help for assign-policy

Default value: false


If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


name of the profile to be used for cmd

Default value: default


ID of a Role


to show debug logs

Default value: false

See also

chef-platform-auth-cli authz role create-role

Create a role under current organization



This operation will create a new Role. Roles are assigned to one or more policies. Policies allow access to API end-points based upon routing rules and enforced by the API gateway. Users can then assign the roles, when a user logs into a tenant and selects an organization, they must choose a role.


This method will always result in a Role which is user-defined and meant for “user”. Role meant for “node” can not be created with this api.


400 (Bad Request)

Invalid schema for request.

401 (Unauthorised)

The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

403 (Forbidden)

User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

409 (Conflict)

Role name already exist in this organizational unit.

422 (Unprocessable Content)

The role does not meet the validation requirements. Reference the errors in the response for more details.

500 (Internal Server Error)

Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


chef-platform-auth-cli authz role create-role [flags]



The role to be created


Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

Default value: json


to print response in format

Default value: json


help for create-role

Default value: false


name of the profile to be used for cmd

Default value: default


to show debug logs

Default value: false

See also

chef-platform-auth-cli authz role delete-policy

Detach a user-defined policy from a user-defined role



Use this operation to remove a policy from a role.


This method will only allow detaching of user-defined policies from a User defined role in the current organization.


401 (Unauthorised)

The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

403 (Forbidden)

User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

404 (Not Found)

The role you requested does not exist in the organization

409 (Conflict)

The policy requested is not attached to the role

412 (Precondition Failed)

If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

423 (Locked)

Role is not a User defined role

500 (Internal Server Error)

Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


chef-platform-auth-cli authz role delete-policy [flags]



to print response in format

Default value: json


help for delete-policy

Default value: false


If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


ID of a Policy


name of the profile to be used for cmd

Default value: default


ID of a Role


to show debug logs

Default value: false

See also

chef-platform-auth-cli authz role delete-role

Delete a role



Use this operation to remove a role. This will prevent all users from selecting this role upon login or when switching roles.

WARNING If a user is currently using a role when the cache expires (invalidated) the user will be prevented from performing any actions until they log out and log in again.


This method will only allow deleting of User defined roles


401 (Unauthorised)

The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

403 (Forbidden)

User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

404 (Not Found)

The role requested does not exist in the organization

412 (Precondition Failed)

If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

423 (Locked)

Role is not a User managed role

500 (Internal Server Error)

Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


chef-platform-auth-cli authz role delete-role [flags]



to print response in format

Default value: json


help for delete-role

Default value: false


If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


name of the profile to be used for cmd

Default value: default


ID of a Role


to show debug logs

Default value: false

See also

chef-platform-auth-cli authz role disable-role

Disable a role in the current organization



Use this operation when there is need to disable a role for all assigned users. This will prevent all users from selecting this role upon login, or changing to the role.

WARNING If a user is currently using a role when the cache expires (invalidated) the user will be prevented from performing any actions until they log out and log in again.


This method will only allow disabling of User or System roles. Service roles can not be disabled using this method.


401 (Unauthorised)

The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

403 (Forbidden)

User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

404 (Not Found)

The role was not found

409 (Conflict)

Role is already disabled

412 (Precondition Failed)

If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

423 (Locked)

Role is not a User managed role

500 (Internal Server Error)

Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


chef-platform-auth-cli authz role disable-role [flags]



to print response in format

Default value: json


help for disable-role

Default value: false


If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


name of the profile to be used for cmd

Default value: default


ID of a Role


to show debug logs

Default value: false

See also

chef-platform-auth-cli authz role enable-role

Enable a user-defined role in the current organization



Use this operation to enable a disabled role.


401 (Unauthorised)

The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

403 (Forbidden)

User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

404 (Not Found)

The role you requested does not exist in the organization

409 (Conflict)

the role is already enabled

412 (Precondition Failed)

If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

423 (Locked)

Role is not a User managed role

500 (Internal Server Error)

Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


chef-platform-auth-cli authz role enable-role [flags]



to print response in format

Default value: json


help for enable-role

Default value: false


If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


name of the profile to be used for cmd

Default value: default


ID of a Role


to show debug logs

Default value: false

See also

chef-platform-auth-cli authz role find-role

List roles



This operation will list all user-defined roles under the current organization and the system defined roles.


Unless definedBy is specified this will default to limiting results to user-defined roles only


401 (Unauthorised)

The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

403 (Forbidden)

User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

422 (Unprocessable Content)

The request query string options does not meet the validation requirements. Reference the errors in the response for more details.

500 (Internal Server Error)

Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


chef-platform-auth-cli authz role find-role [flags]



who defined the role

Default value: user


A partial match against the description of a Role


List of role ids to filter by

Default value: []


to print response in format

Default value: json


help for find-role

Default value: false


at what level can this role be used

Default value: org


to whom this role can be assigned

Default value: user


The name of the role

what page of the pagination

Default value: 1


items per page

Default value: 10


name of the profile to be used for cmd

Default value: default


The Status of the roles to filter by


A partial match against the name or description of a role


to show debug logs

Default value: false

See also

chef-platform-auth-cli authz role get-policy

Get details of a policy assigned to the role



Use this operation to get details of a policy assigned to the role. The role can be a system defined role or a custom role in the current organization.


401 (Unauthorised)

The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

403 (Forbidden)

User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

404 (Not Found)

The role you requested is neither a system defined role nor it exists in the current organization

404 (Not Found)

The policy requested is not attached to the role

500 (Internal Server Error)

Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


chef-platform-auth-cli authz role get-policy [flags]



to print response in format

Default value: json


help for get-policy

Default value: false


ID of a Policy


name of the profile to be used for cmd

Default value: default


ID of a Role


to show debug logs

Default value: false

See also

chef-platform-auth-cli authz role get-role

Get details of a role



Use this operation to get details of a user-defined role in the organization or any system defined role


401 (Unauthorised)

The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

403 (Forbidden)

User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

404 (Not Found)

The role requested does not exist in the organization and neither a system-defined role

500 (Internal Server Error)

Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


chef-platform-auth-cli authz role get-role [flags]



to print response in format

Default value: json


help for get-role

Default value: false


name of the profile to be used for cmd

Default value: default


ID of a Role


to show debug logs

Default value: false

See also

chef-platform-auth-cli authz role list-policies

List all policies attached to a role



This operation will list all policies attached to the given role. The role can be a system defined role or a custom role in the current organization.


  1. Unless roleStatus is specified it will be considered as enabled(default) and we will check if the role is enabled.
  2. Unless policyStatus is specified it will be considered as enabled(default) it will get all policies which are enabled. If it’s specified as all it gets all policies irrespective of their status.


401 (Unauthorised)

The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

403 (Forbidden)

User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

500 (Internal Server Error)

Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource

404 (Not Found)

The role you requested is neither a system defined role nor it exists in the current organization.

404 (Not Found)

The roleStatus is sent as disabled but the role is not disabled. So the given role doesn’t match the status criteria and hence not found

423 (Locked)

The roleStatus is sent as enabled but the role is disabled. Then this API should not return the associated policies.


chef-platform-auth-cli authz role list-policies [flags]



Expand the policies

Default value: false


to print response in format

Default value: json


help for list-policies

Default value: false


The Status of the policies to filter by


name of the profile to be used for cmd

Default value: default


ID of a Role


The Status of the roles to filter by


to show debug logs

Default value: false

See also

chef-platform-auth-cli authz role test-role

Test a role



This operation can be used to test access to a route and method against a given role


400 (Bad Request)


401 (Unauthorised)

The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

403 (Forbidden)

User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

404 (Not Found)

The role requested is neither a system role; nor it exists in the organization

422 (Unprocessable Content)

The requested payload does not meet the validation requirements. Reference the errors in the response for more details.

500 (Internal Server Error)

Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


chef-platform-auth-cli authz role test-role [flags]



An URI and HTTP method to test


Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

Default value: json


to print response in format

Default value: json


help for test-role

Default value: false


name of the profile to be used for cmd

Default value: default


ID of a Role


to show debug logs

Default value: false

See also

chef-platform-auth-cli completion

Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell


Generate the autocompletion script for chef-platform-auth-cli for the specified shell. See each sub-command’s help for details on how to use the generated script.



help for completion

Default value: false

See also

chef-platform-auth-cli completion bash

Generate the autocompletion script for bash


Generate the autocompletion script for the bash shell.

This script depends on the ‘bash-completion’ package. If it is not installed already, you can install it via your OS’s package manager.

To load completions in your current shell session:

source <(chef-platform-auth-cli completion bash)

To load completions for every new session, execute once:


chef-platform-auth-cli completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/chef-platform-auth-cli


chef-platform-auth-cli completion bash > $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d/chef-platform-auth-cli

You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.

completion-bash package

You must have the bash-completion package installed on your workstation to run the completion bash subcommand. To install and configure the package, see the Chef 360 Platform CLI documentation.


chef-platform-auth-cli completion bash



help for bash

Default value: false


disable completion descriptions

Default value: false

See also

chef-platform-auth-cli completion fish

Generate the autocompletion script for fish


Generate the autocompletion script for the fish shell.

To load completions in your current shell session:

chef-platform-auth-cli completion fish | source

To load completions for every new session, execute once:

chef-platform-auth-cli completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/

You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.


chef-platform-auth-cli completion fish [flags]



help for fish

Default value: false


disable completion descriptions

Default value: false

See also

chef-platform-auth-cli completion powershell

Generate the autocompletion script for powershell


Generate the autocompletion script for powershell.

To load completions in your current shell session:

chef-platform-auth-cli completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression

To load completions for every new session, add the output of the above command to your powershell profile.


chef-platform-auth-cli completion powershell [flags]



help for powershell

Default value: false


disable completion descriptions

Default value: false

See also

chef-platform-auth-cli completion zsh

Generate the autocompletion script for zsh


Generate the autocompletion script for the zsh shell.

If shell completion is not already enabled in your environment you will need to enable it. You can execute the following once:

echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc

To load completions in your current shell session:

source <(chef-platform-auth-cli completion zsh)

To load completions for every new session, execute once:


chef-platform-auth-cli completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_chef-platform-auth-cli"


chef-platform-auth-cli completion zsh > $(brew --prefix)/share/zsh/site-functions/_chef-platform-auth-cli

You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.


chef-platform-auth-cli completion zsh [flags]



help for zsh

Default value: false


disable completion descriptions

Default value: false

See also

chef-platform-auth-cli deregister-device

De-register a device


Use this operation to de-register a device


chef-platform-auth-cli deregister-device [flags]



force remove profile from local list of profiles, even on error from server

Default value: false


to print response in format

Default value: json


help for deregister-device

Default value: false


name for the profile of the new api-token

Default value: default


to show debug logs

Default value: false

See also

    chef-platform-auth-cli get-default-profile

    Get default profile for request


    chef-platform-auth-cli get-default-profile [flags]



    help for get-default-profile

    Default value: false

    See also

      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management

      Commands for license management


      Commands for managing license management



      help for license-management

      Default value: false

      See also

      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management asset

      Commands related to asset



      help for asset

      Default value: false

      See also

      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management asset get-asset

      Get the Asset details



      Use this operation to get the asset details based on the given license ids and AssetId or AssetName.


      400 (Bad Request)

      The licenses do not exist in the tenant

      402 (License not entitled)

      The licenses are all disabled

      422 (Unprocessable Content)

      Both Asset Id and Asset Name cannot be blank

      422 (Unprocessable Content)

      Either Asset Id or Asset Name should be given; Not both


      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management asset get-asset [flags]



      Asset id to fetch the details


      Asset name to fetch the details


      to print response in format

      Default value: json


      help for get-asset

      Default value: false


      comma separated list of License Ids


      name of the profile to be used for cmd

      Default value: default


      to show debug logs

      Default value: false

      See also

      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management asset list-assets

      Get all assets



      Use this operation to list all the Assets for the given license Id(s)


      404 (Not Found)

      The license(s) do not exist in the tenant


      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management asset list-assets [flags]



      to print response in format

      Default value: json


      help for list-assets

      Default value: false


      comma separated list of License Ids


      name of the profile to be used for cmd

      Default value: default


      to show debug logs

      Default value: false

      See also

      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management entitlement

      Commands related to entitlement



      help for entitlement

      Default value: false

      See also

      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management entitlement get-entitlement

      Get the Entitlement details



      Use this operation to get the entitlement details based on the given license ids, quantity, date and the Entitlement Id.


      400 (Bad Request)

      The licenses do not exist in the tenant

      402 (License not entitled)

      The licenses are all disabled

      422 (Unprocessable Content)

      Both Entitlement Id and Entitlement Name cannot be blank

      422 (Unprocessable Content)

      Either Entitlement Id or Entitlement Name should be given


      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management entitlement get-entitlement [flags]



      date to validate the license entitlement (format :- YYYY-MM-DD)


      Entitlement id to fetch the details


      Entitlement name to fetch the details


      to print response in format

      Default value: json


      help for get-entitlement

      Default value: false


      comma separated list of License Ids


      name of the profile to be used for cmd

      Default value: default


      quantity of entitlement


      to show debug logs

      Default value: false

      See also

      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management entitlement list-entitlements

      Get all entitlements



      Use this operation to list all the Entitlements for the given license Id(s)


      400 (Bad Request)

      The licenses do not exist in the tenant


      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management entitlement list-entitlements [flags]



      to print response in format

      Default value: json


      help for list-entitlements

      Default value: false


      comma separated list of License Ids


      name of the profile to be used for cmd

      Default value: default


      to show debug logs

      Default value: false

      See also

      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management feature

      Commands related to feature



      help for feature

      Default value: false

      See also

      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management feature get-feature

      Get the Feature details



      Use this operation to get the feature details based on the given license ids and FeatureId or FeatureName.


      400 (Bad Request)

      The license(s) do not exist in the tenant

      402 (License not entitled)

      The licenses are all disabled

      422 (Unprocessable Content)

      Both Feature Id and Feature Name cannot be blank

      422 (Unprocessable Content)

      Either Feature Id or Feature Name should be given


      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management feature get-feature [flags]



      Feature id to fetch the details


      Feature name to fetch the details


      to print response in format

      Default value: json


      help for get-feature

      Default value: false


      comma separated list of License Ids


      name of the profile to be used for cmd

      Default value: default


      to show debug logs

      Default value: false

      See also

      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management feature list-features

      Get all features



      Use this operation to list all the Features for the given license Id(s)


      400 (Bad Request)

      The licenses do not exist in the tenant


      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management feature list-features [flags]



      to print response in format

      Default value: json


      help for list-features

      Default value: false


      comma separated list of License Ids


      name of the profile to be used for cmd

      Default value: default


      to show debug logs

      Default value: false

      See also

      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management license

      Commands related to license



      help for license

      Default value: false

      See also

      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management license client-license

      List client applications



      Use this operation to provide the client applications based on given license Ids and entitlement Id


      400 (Bad Request)

      The licenses you requested does not exist in the tenant

      402 (License not entitled)

      The licenses are all disabled

      422 (Unprocessable Content)

      Entitlement Id cannot be blank


      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management license client-license [flags]



      Entitlement id to fetch the details


      to print response in format

      Default value: json


      help for client-license

      Default value: false


      comma separated list of License Ids


      name of the profile to be used for cmd

      Default value: default


      to show debug logs

      Default value: false

      See also

      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management license describe-license

      Describe a license



      Use this operation to describe a license based on given license Ids and entitlement Id


      404 (Not Found)

      The licenses you requested does not exist in the tenant

      402 (License not entitled)

      The licenses are all disabled

      422 (Unprocessable Content)

      Entitlement Id cannot be blank


      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management license describe-license [flags]



      Entitlement id to fetch the details


      to print response in format

      Default value: json


      help for describe-license

      Default value: false


      comma separated list of License Ids


      name of the profile to be used for cmd

      Default value: default


      to show debug logs

      Default value: false

      See also

      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management license disable-license

      Disable a license



      Use this operation to disable a license under a tenant in the local datastore


      404 (Not Found)

      The license you requested does not exist in the tenant

      400 (Bad Request)

      The license you requested is not valid

      409 (Conflict)

      The license is already disabled


      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management license disable-license [flags]



      to print response in format

      Default value: json


      help for disable-license

      Default value: false


      If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


      the License id


      name of the profile to be used for cmd

      Default value: default


      to show debug logs

      Default value: false

      See also

      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management license download-license

      Download a license



      Use this operation download a license in a tenant


      404 (Not Found)

      The license you requested does not exist in the tenant

      423 (Locked)

      The license is disabled in the tenant


      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management license download-license [flags]



      to print response in format

      Default value: json


      help for download-license

      Default value: false


      the License id


      name of the profile to be used for cmd

      Default value: default


      to show debug logs

      Default value: false


      the license version

      Default value: 2

      See also

      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management license enable-license

      Enable a license



      Use this operation to enable a license under a tenant in the local datastore


      404 (Not Found)

      The license you requested does not exist in the tenant

      400 (Bad Request)

      The license you requested is not valid

      409 (Conflict)

      The license is already enabled


      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management license enable-license [flags]



      to print response in format

      Default value: json


      help for enable-license

      Default value: false


      If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


      the License id


      name of the profile to be used for cmd

      Default value: default


      to show debug logs

      Default value: false

      See also

      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management license list-licenses

      List licenses



      Use this operation to list all the license present in the local data store in a tenant



      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management license list-licenses [flags]



      to print response in format

      Default value: json


      help for list-licenses

      Default value: false


      name of the profile to be used for cmd

      Default value: default


      to show debug logs

      Default value: false

      See also

      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management license load-license

      Load a license



      Use this operation to load the license information. This endpoint is useful in non- airgap mode. It downloads the License information from Global Service, and then adds it to Local license datastore.


      404 (Not Found)

      The license you requested does not exist

      400 (Bad Request)

      The license you requested is not valid

      400 (Bad Request)

      This API can’t be used in AirGap mode


      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management license load-license [flags]



      Load the license information in local datastore


      Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


      Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

      Default value: json


      to print response in format

      Default value: json


      help for load-license

      Default value: false


      name of the profile to be used for cmd

      Default value: default


      to show debug logs

      Default value: false

      See also

      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management license remove-license

      Remove a license



      Use this operation to remove a license under a tenant in the local datastore


      404 (Not Found)

      The license you requested does not exist in the tenant

      400 (Bad Request)

      The license you requested is not valid

      409 (Conflict)

      The license is already removed from the tenant


      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management license remove-license [flags]



      to print response in format

      Default value: json


      help for remove-license

      Default value: false


      If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


      the License id


      name of the profile to be used for cmd

      Default value: default


      to show debug logs

      Default value: false

      See also

      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management license sync-license

      Sync all licenses



      Use this operation to sync all licenses under a tenant in the local datastore. This doesn’t change the state of licenses present in local datastore.


      400 (Bad Request)

      This API can’t be used in AirGap mode


      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management license sync-license [flags]



      to print response in format

      Default value: json


      help for sync-license

      Default value: false


      name of the profile to be used for cmd

      Default value: default


      to show debug logs

      Default value: false

      See also

      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management license upload-license

      Upload a license



      Use this operation to upload the license information. This endpoint is useful in airgap mode. It takes the license information as input, and then adds/updates it to Local license datastore.


      400 (Bad Request)

      The license Id present in request body is invalid

      400 (Bad Request)

      Evidence present in request body is invalid


      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management license upload-license [flags]



      Load the license information in local datastore


      Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


      Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

      Default value: json


      to print response in format

      Default value: json


      help for upload-license

      Default value: false


      name of the profile to be used for cmd

      Default value: default


      to show debug logs

      Default value: false

      See also

      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management license validate-license

      Validate a license Id



      Use this operation validate if a licenseId is present in tenant or not


      400 (Bad Request)

      The license you requested does not exist in the tenant

      423 (Locked)

      The license is disabled in the tenant


      chef-platform-auth-cli license-management license validate-license [flags]



      to print response in format

      Default value: json


      help for validate-license

      Default value: false


      the License id


      name of the profile to be used for cmd

      Default value: default


      to show debug logs

      Default value: false


      the license version

      Default value: 2

      See also

      chef-platform-auth-cli license-usage

      Commands for license usage


      Commands for managing license usage



      help for license-usage

      Default value: false

      See also

      chef-platform-auth-cli license-usage audit

      Commands related to audit



      help for audit

      Default value: false

      See also

      chef-platform-auth-cli license-usage audit get-usage

      get the audit details for a specific date



      Use this to get the specific audit details for a given service for a specific date


      This response is polymorphic the resulting item arry will be unique to the service selected.


      404 (Not Found)

      The date requested contains no audits

      404 (Not Found)

      The service requested was not audited on the requested date

      422 (Unprocessable Content)

      The request query string options does not meet the validation requirements. Reference the errors in the response for more details.


      chef-platform-auth-cli license-usage audit get-usage [flags]



      date of an audit (format :- YYYY-MM-DD)


      to print response in format

      Default value: json


      help for get-usage

      Default value: false

      what page of the pagination

      Default value: 1


      items per page

      Default value: 10


      name of the profile to be used for cmd

      Default value: default


      to show debug logs

      Default value: false

      See also

      chef-platform-auth-cli license-usage audit list-audit

      Lists the services audit for a specific date



      Use this operation when there is a need to view the specific services that were audited on a specific date


      422 (Unprocessable Content)

      The request query string options does not meet the validation requirements. Reference the errors in the response for more details.


      chef-platform-auth-cli license-usage audit list-audit [flags]



      date of an audit (format :- YYYY-MM-DD)


      to print response in format

      Default value: json


      help for list-audit

      Default value: false

      what page of the pagination

      Default value: 1


      items per page

      Default value: 10


      name of the profile to be used for cmd

      Default value: default


      to show debug logs

      Default value: false

      See also

      chef-platform-auth-cli license-usage audit list-audits

      List Consumption Audits



      This operation will list consumption audits


      422 (Unprocessable Content)

      The request query string options does not meet the validation requirements. Reference the errors in the response for more details.


      chef-platform-auth-cli license-usage audit list-audits [flags]



      to print response in format

      Default value: json


      help for list-audits

      Default value: false

      what page of the pagination

      Default value: 1


      items per page

      Default value: 10


      name of the profile to be used for cmd

      Default value: default


      The Status of an Usage Audit


      to show debug logs

      Default value: false

      See also

      chef-platform-auth-cli list-profile-names

      Get the list of profile names available


      chef-platform-auth-cli list-profile-names [flags]



      help for list-profile-names

      Default value: false

      See also

        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account

        Commands for node account


        Commands for managing node account



        help for node-account

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node

        Commands related to node



        help for node

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node assign-role

        Assigns a node a new role



        Use this operation to assign a new role to an existing node.


        Until this node is assigned credentials it will not be able to communicate with the platform and will remain in the registered status


        400 (Bad Request)


        401 (Unauthorised)

        The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

        403 (Forbidden)

        User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

        404 (Not Found)

        The role you requested does not exist in the organization

        409 (Conflict)

        The role is already assigned to this node

        409 (Conflict)

        The requested node is disabled, please enable the node before requesting credential rotation

        412 (Precondition Failed)

        If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

        500 (Internal Server Error)

        Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node assign-role [flags]



        Role to be assigned to this node


        Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


        Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

        Default value: json


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for assign-role

        Default value: false


        If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


        ID of a node


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node delete-node

        Delete a node



        Use this operation to remove a node. This will prevent all services/agents running on the node from communicating with the platform.

        WARNING Deleted node can no longer communicate with the platform, but may still be running. Once a node has been deleted to enable communication again it must be re-enrolled


        This will have no effect for services/operations not managed by Chef Platform. e.g. chef client communicating directly to Infra Server.


        401 (Unauthorised)

        The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

        403 (Forbidden)

        User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

        404 (Not Found)

        The node or role you requested does not exist in the organization

        412 (Precondition Failed)

        If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

        500 (Internal Server Error)

        Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node delete-node [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for delete-node

        Default value: false


        If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


        ID of a node


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node delete-role

        Deletes a node roles



        Use this operation to remove a nodes role. This will disable all services/agents running on the node that are managed by Chef Platform.

        WARNING Deleted node roles can no longer communicate with the platform, but may still be running. Once a role has been deleted to enable communication again from this node’s role it must be assigned (authorized), and then new credentials need to be issued. If a node’s role has been deleted consider removing the skill and re-installing it or performing a node re-enrollment


        This will have no effect for services/operations not managed by Chef Platform. e.g. chef client communicating directly to Infra Server.


        401 (Unauthorised)

        The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

        403 (Forbidden)

        User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

        404 (Not Found)

        The node or role you requested does not exist in the organization

        404 (Not Found)

        The role you requested is not assigned to this node in the organization

        412 (Precondition Failed)

        If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

        500 (Internal Server Error)

        Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node delete-role [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for delete-role

        Default value: false


        If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


        ID of a node


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        ID of a Role


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node disable-node

        Disable a node



        Use this operation when there is a need to disable a node without deleting items. This will disable all services/agents running on the node that are managed by Chef Platform.

        WARNING Disabled nodes can no longer communicate with the platform, but may still be running. All actions preformed by this node will fail until enabled.


        1.) This operation does not rotate or revoke credentials for the node. Once re-enabled the node will continue to communicate using the same credentials.
        2.) This will have no effect for services/operations not managed by Chef Platform. e.g. chef client communicating directly to Infra Server.


        401 (Unauthorised)

        The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

        403 (Forbidden)

        User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

        404 (Not Found)

        The node you requested does not exist in the organization

        409 (Conflict)

        Expect this error code if the node is already disabled.

        412 (Precondition Failed)

        If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

        500 (Internal Server Error)

        Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node disable-node [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for disable-node

        Default value: false


        If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


        ID of a node


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node disable-role

        Disable a node’s role (agent/service)



        Use this operation when there is a need to disable a single role for a node without deleting that role. This will disable that specific (services/agents) ability to communicate with the Chef Platform.

        WARNING Disabled node’s role can no longer communicate with the platform, but may still be running. All actions preformed by this node for this role will fail until enabled.


        1.) This operation does not rotate or revoke credentials for the node’s role. Once re-enabled the node’s role will continue to communicate using the same credentials.
        2.) This will have no effect for services/operations not managed by Chef Platform. e.g. chef client communicating directly to Infra Server.


        401 (Unauthorised)

        The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

        403 (Forbidden)

        User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

        404 (Not Found)

        The node you requested does not exist in the organization

        404 (Not Found)

        The node’s role you requested is not assigned to this role for the organization

        409 (Conflict)

        Expect this error code if the node’s role is already disabled.

        412 (Precondition Failed)

        If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

        500 (Internal Server Error)

        Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node disable-role [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for disable-role

        Default value: false


        If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


        ID of a node


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        ID of a Role


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node enable-node

        Enable a node



        Use this operation to enable a disabled node. This will allow enabled services/agents running on the node to communicate with the platform.


        401 (Unauthorised)

        The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

        403 (Forbidden)

        User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

        404 (Not Found)

        The node you requested does not exist in the organization

        409 (Conflict)

        Expect this error code if the node is already enabled.

        412 (Precondition Failed)

        If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

        500 (Internal Server Error)

        Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node enable-node [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for enable-node

        Default value: false


        If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


        ID of a node


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node enable-role

        Enable a node’s role (agent/service)



        Use this operation to enable a disabled node’s role. This will allow enabled the role (services/agents) running on the node to communicate with the platform.


        401 (Unauthorised)

        The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

        403 (Forbidden)

        User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

        404 (Not Found)

        The node you requested does not exist in the organization

        404 (Not Found)

        The node’s role you requested is not assigned to this role for the organization

        409 (Conflict)

        Expect this error code if the node’s role is already enabled

        412 (Precondition Failed)

        If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

        500 (Internal Server Error)

        Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node enable-role [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for enable-role

        Default value: false


        If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


        ID of a node


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        ID of a Role


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node find-node

        Find nodes



        This method will allow users to search for nodes in the current organization.


        401 (Unauthorised)

        The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

        403 (Forbidden)

        User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

        422 (Unprocessable Content)

        The request query string options does not meet the validation requirements. Reference the errors in the response for more details.

        500 (Internal Server Error)

        Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node find-node [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for find-node

        Default value: false

        what page of the pagination

        Default value: 1


        items per page

        Default value: 10


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        The Status of the Node to filter by


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node get-node

        Get a node



        Use this operation get an authorized node


        This is not the same as loading a node from node management. This will only load the authorization information about a node


        401 (Unauthorised)

        The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

        403 (Forbidden)

        User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

        404 (Not Found)

        The node you requested does not exist in the organization

        500 (Internal Server Error)

        Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node get-node [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for get-node

        Default value: false


        ID of a node


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node get-nodeByRef

        Get a node by node ref id



        Use this operation get an authorized node using the node ref id that is present in node management


        This is not the same as loading a node from node management. This will only load the authorization information about a node


        401 (Unauthorised)

        The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

        403 (Forbidden)

        User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

        404 (Not Found)

        The node you requested does not exist in the organization

        500 (Internal Server Error)

        Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node get-nodeByRef [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for get-nodeByRef

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        ID of a node ref


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node get-role

        Get a node assigned role



        Use this operation to get the details on an assigned node’s role


        401 (Unauthorised)

        The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

        403 (Forbidden)

        User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

        404 (Not Found)

        The node you requested does not exist in the organization

        404 (Not Found)

        The role you requested is not assigned to this node in the organization

        500 (Internal Server Error)

        Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node get-role [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for get-role

        Default value: false


        ID of a node


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        ID of a Role


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node list-roles

        List node assigned roles



        Use this operation to list all of a node’s assigned roles


        401 (Unauthorised)

        The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

        403 (Forbidden)

        User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

        404 (Not Found)

        The node you requested does not exist in the organization

        500 (Internal Server Error)

        Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node list-roles [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for list-roles

        Default value: false


        ID of a node


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node register-node

        Registers a node



        This method will allow a new node to be registered with the platform. Registered nodes are allowed to have roles assigned to them. Node assigned roles are then used by agents (on the node) to communicate with the platform.

        WARNING registering a node will not by itself allow the node to communicate with the plaform. A role must be created for the node for each service/agent running on that node.


        1.) A registered node must FIRST existing in the node management catalog before being registered

        Process of manually enrolling a node:

        1.) Node is added to node management database
        2.) Register the node with the platform accounts system
        3.) Assign the desired role (for the node)
        4.) Force credential rotation
        5.) Install the service/agent
        6.) Configure the agent with the credentials from Step 4


        Nodes can exist in Node Management that do not exist in the Identity (accounts) database, but no node may exist as an identity that do not exist in node management


        400 (Bad Request)


        401 (Unauthorised)

        The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

        403 (Forbidden)

        User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

        409 (Conflict)

        Node is already registered

        410 (Gone)

        The attempt to register the node failed as the node is a symbolic link in node management or has been removed

        422 (Unprocessable Content)

        The request query string options does not meet the validation requirements. Reference the errors in the response for more details.

        500 (Internal Server Error)

        Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node register-node [flags]



        The node to be registerd


        Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


        Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

        Default value: json


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for register-node

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node rotate-credentials

        Request credential rotation



        Use this operation to request a node to rotate it’s credentials for a given role (agent/service). Post this agents will automatically rotate their keys whenever a next request is made.


        1.) This operation allows the agent itself to rotate it’s credentials it does not revoke credentials for a node.
        2.) If a node has more than one role (service/agent) running on that node, this will only rotate the credentials for the supplied role


        400 (Bad Request)


        401 (Unauthorised)

        The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

        403 (Forbidden)

        User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

        404 (Not Found)

        The node you requested does not exist in the organization

        404 (Not Found)

        The node’s role you requested is not assigned to this node for the organization

        409 (Conflict)

        The requested node is disabled, please enable the node before requesting credential rotation

        409 (Conflict)

        The requested role (agent/service) is disabled, please enable the node’s role before requesting credential rotation

        412 (Precondition Failed)

        If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

        422 (Unprocessable Content)

        The requested payload does not meet the validation requirements. Reference the errors in the response for more details.

        500 (Internal Server Error)

        Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node rotate-credentials [flags]



        Credentials rotation parameters


        Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


        Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

        Default value: json


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for rotate-credentials

        Default value: false


        If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


        ID of a node


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        ID of a Role


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node update-credentials

        Manual credential rotation



        Use this operation to manually rotate credentials for a given node’s role (agent/service).

        WARNING Use this operation with extreme care, under normal cermunstatices a node will automaticly roate it’s own credentials. This should only be used if you have implemented a custom service or credential rotation process.


        401 (Unauthorised)

        The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

        403 (Forbidden)

        User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

        404 (Not Found)

        The node you requested does not exist in the organization

        404 (Not Found)

        The node’s role you requested is not assigned to this node for the organization

        409 (Conflict)

        The requested node is disabled, please enable the node before requesting credential rotation

        409 (Conflict)

        The requested role (agent/service) is disabled, please enable the node before requesting credential rotation

        409 (Conflict)

        The requested role (agent/service) is not scheduled for a credential rotation. Request credential rotation first

        412 (Precondition Failed)

        If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

        423 (Locked)

        The credentials for this role have already expired. Please delete the role, and re-provision.

        500 (Internal Server Error)

        Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node update-credentials [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for update-credentials

        Default value: false


        ID of a node


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        ID of a Role


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node verify-role

        Verify a node’s assigned



        Use this operation to check to see if the node has this role assigned


        401 (Unauthorised)

        The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

        403 (Forbidden)

        User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

        404 (Not Found)

        The node you requested does not exist in the organization

        404 (Not Found)

        The role you requested does not exist in the organization

        404 (Not Found)

        The role you requested is not assigned to this node in the organization

        500 (Internal Server Error)

        Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account node verify-role [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for verify-role

        Default value: false


        ID of a node


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        ID of a Role


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account self

        Commands related to self



        help for self

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account self rotate-credentials

        Self credential rotation



        Use this operation to rotate credentials for the current node’s role (agent/service).

        WARNING Use this operation with extreme care, under normal circumstances a node will automaticly call this method to rotate it’s own credentials. This should only be used if you have implemented a custom service or credential rotation process.


        401 (Unauthorised)

        The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

        403 (Forbidden)

        User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

        404 (Not Found)

        The node you requested does not exist in this organisation

        404 (Not Found)

        The role requested does not exist in this organisation

        404 (Not Found)

        The node’s role you requested is not assigned to this node for the organization

        409 (Conflict)

        The requested node is disabled, please enable the node before requesting credential rotation

        409 (Conflict)

        The requested role (agent/service) is disabled, please enable the node before requesting credential rotation

        409 (Conflict)

        The requested role (agent/service) is not scheduled for a credential rotation. Request credential rotation first

        412 (Precondition Failed)

        If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

        422 (Unprocessable Content)

        The requested payload does not meet the validation requirements. Reference the errors in the response for more details.

        423 (Locked)

        The credentials for this role have already expired. Please delete the role, and re-provision.

        500 (Internal Server Error)

        Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


        chef-platform-auth-cli node-account self rotate-credentials [flags]



        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for rotate-credentials

        Default value: false


        name of the profile to be used for cmd

        Default value: default


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

        chef-platform-auth-cli register-device

        register a device and get api-token for device login


        chef-platform-auth-cli register-device [flags]



        path to ca file


        name of the device

        Default value: device


        to print response in format

        Default value: json


        help for register-device

        Default value: false


        insecure skip verify

        Default value: false


        this flag is used to overwrite the old profile if the profile for profile name provided already exists

        Default value: false


        name for the profile of the new api-token


        tenant url


        to show debug logs

        Default value: false

        See also

          chef-platform-auth-cli set-default-profile

          Set default profile for request


          chef-platform-auth-cli set-default-profile [flags]



          help for set-default-profile

          Default value: false

          See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli system

            Commands for managing system


            Commands for managing system like org or tenant



            help for system

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli system organization

            Commands related to organization



            help for organization

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli system organization create-organization

            CREATE a organization


            Creates a new Organizational Unit in the current logged in tenant. The current user will be assigned the default admin role in the new OU. — ### Errors

            400 (Bad Request) Malformed-Request

            401 (Unauthorised) The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden) User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            409 (Conflict) Expect this error code if organization with same name already exist.

            422 (Unprocessable Content) The requested payload does not meet the validation requirements. Reference the errors in the response for more details.

            500 (Internal Server Error) Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli system organization create-organization [flags]



            The organization to be created


            Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


            Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

            Default value: json


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for create-organization

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli system organization disable-organization

            DISABLE a organization


            Disable a currently enabled organization

            WARNING Disable OU will stop all existing sessions. All nodes under the OU will not be able to communicate with platform. Users won’t be able to login


            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            404 (Not Found)

            The organization does not exist

            409 (Conflict)

            Expect this error code if the organization is already disabled.

            422 (Unprocessable Content)

            The requested payload does not meet the validation requirements. Reference the errors in the response for more details.

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli system organization disable-organization [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for disable-organization

            Default value: false


            If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


            ID of an Organizational Unit


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli system organization enable-organization

            ENABLE a organization


            Enable a currently disabled organization
            — ### Errors

            401 (Unauthorised) The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden) User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            404 (Not Found) The organization does not exist

            409 (Conflict) Expect this error code if the organization is already enabled.

            422 (Unprocessable Content) The requested payload does not meet the validation requirements. Reference the errors in the response for more details.

            500 (Internal Server Error) Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli system organization enable-organization [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for enable-organization

            Default value: false


            If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


            ID of an Organizational Unit


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli system organization get-organization

            READ a organization


            Use this api to get an organization details — ### Errors

            401 (Unauthorised) The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden) User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            404 (Not Found) The organization does not exist

            500 (Internal Server Error) Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli system organization get-organization [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for get-organization

            Default value: false


            ID of an Organizational Unit


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli system organization list-organizations

            LIST all organizations in the current logged in tenant


            This method will list all organizational units in the current logged in tenant; optionally filtered by organizational units status (indicated in the query)


            401 (Unauthorised) The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden) User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            500 (Internal Server Error) Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli system organization list-organizations [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for list-organizations

            Default value: false


            what page of the pagination

            Default value: 1


            items per page

            Default value: 10


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            The Status to filter the Organization list by


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli system organization my-organization

            GET the organization of the current logged in user


            This method will get organizational unit details of the current logged in user


            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli system organization my-organization [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for my-organization

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli system organization update-organization

            UPDATE a organization


            This api can be used to update OU details. — ### Errors

            400 (Bad Request) Malformed-Request

            401 (Unauthorised) The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden) User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            404 (Not Found) The organization does not exist

            422 (Unprocessable Content) The requested payload does not meet the validation requirements. Reference the errors in the response for more details.

            500 (Internal Server Error) Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli system organization update-organization [flags]



            The organization to be updated


            Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


            Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

            Default value: json


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for update-organization

            Default value: false


            If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


            ID of an Organizational Unit


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli system organization verify-organization

            VERIFY a organization


            Verify if the organization is enabled. — ### Errors

            401 (Unauthorised) The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden) User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            404 (Not Found) The organization does not exist

            500 (Internal Server Error) Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli system organization verify-organization [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for verify-organization

            Default value: false


            ID of an Organizational Unit


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account

            Commands for user account


            Commands for managing user account



            help for user-account

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity

            Commands related to identity



            help for identity

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity authorise-device

            Device authorisation



            This operation will authorise the requested device.


            This method will only work with local users (not OAUTH)


            1. The user needs to enter the auth code received over cli
            2. The auth code will be validated against the request


            400 (Bad Request)


            409 (Conflict)

            The auth code already authorised

            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity authorise-device [flags]



            Auth Code for device authorisation


            Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


            Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

            Default value: json


            ID of an device


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for authorise-device

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity change-password

            PATCH the current users’ password with a new password


            This method will change the users password


            409 (Conflict)

            If the current user who has requested a password reset is not a “local” user

            422 (Unprocessable Content)

            If the users current password does not match or the new password does not meet the password requirements

            423 (Locked)

            If the user’s account is currently locked

            400 (Bad Request)


            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity change-password [flags]



            The password to be changed


            Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


            Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

            Default value: json


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for change-password

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity create-identity

            Create a “local” user



            Use this operation to create a local user


            for “local” users:

            1. If a user is created without a password, they will be emailed a set password link with token/OTP
            2. If a user is created with a password, they will be emailed with a created user details


            400 (Bad Request)


            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            404 (Not Found)

            The role ID specified does not exist in the organization

            409 (Conflict)

            User is already registered

            422 (Unprocessable Content)

            The Reference the errors in the response for more details.

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity create-identity [flags]



            The user to be created


            Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


            Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

            Default value: json


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for create-identity

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity delete-identity

            Delete a user in current tenant



            Use this operation to delete a user in the current tenant


            404 (Not Found)

            The user you requested does not exist in the current tenant

            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity delete-identity [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for delete-identity

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            ID of an User


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity device-api-token

            Create tokens for the device, if device auth code got authorised successfully.



            This will return api token for given deviceId


            400 (Bad Request)

            When code is not authorized.

            404 (Not Found)

            The device does not exist.

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity device-api-token [flags]



            State Code for device token creation


            Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


            Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

            Default value: json


            ID of an device


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for device-api-token

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity device-deregister

            Deregister given device



            Use this operation to deregister given device


            409 (Conflict)

            The device is already deregistered

            404 (Not Found)

            Tenant not found

            404 (Not Found)

            Org not found

            404 (Not Found)

            Role not found

            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity device-deregister [flags]



            ID of an device


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for device-deregister

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity device-register

            Get auth code with authorisation url for given device register request



            Use this operation to get auth code with authorisation url for given device register request


            400 (Bad Request)

            Request body validation failed

            404 (Not Found)

            Tenant not found

            423 (Locked)

            Device is Disabled

            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity device-register [flags]



            Device metadata


            Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


            Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

            Default value: json


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for device-register

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity disable-device

            Disable device by id



            This will disable the device


            1. This api will require a deviceId which consist of (mac + deviceUser + appType)


            404 (Not Found)

            The device you requested does not exist in the current organizational unit

            409 (Conflict)

            The device is already disabled

            412 (Precondition Failed)

            If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity disable-device [flags]



            ID of an device


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for disable-device

            Default value: false


            If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity disable-identity

            Disable the user associated with the given userId



            This operation will disable the user associated with the given userId. All sessions for this userId will stop working.


            409 (Conflict)

            Email is already disabled

            412 (Precondition Failed)

            If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity disable-identity [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for disable-identity

            Default value: false


            If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            ID of an User


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity enable-device

            Enable device by id



            This will enable the device


            1. This api will require a deviceId which consist of (mac + deviceUser + appType)


            404 (Not Found)

            The device you requested does not exist in the current organizational unit

            409 (Conflict)

            The device is already enabled

            412 (Precondition Failed)

            If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity enable-device [flags]



            ID of an device


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for enable-device

            Default value: false


            If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity enable-identity

            Enable the user associated with the given userId



            This operation will enable the user associated with the given userId


            409 (Conflict)

            Email is already enabled

            412 (Precondition Failed)

            If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity enable-identity [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for enable-identity

            Default value: false


            If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            ID of an User


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity expire-password

            Expire the users password



            Use this operation to require the user to change their password upon next login

            WARNING this will not impact any currently logged in users.


            This method will only work with locally users (not OAUTH)


            404 (Not Found)

            The user you requested does not exist in the current tenant unit

            409 (Conflict)

            The user’s password is already set to expire

            412 (Precondition Failed)

            If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated. This method will list all roles for a user

            423 (Locked)

            User is not a local user

            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity expire-password [flags]



            Email ID of an User


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for expire-password

            Default value: false


            If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity get-authorise-page

            Device authorisation page (UI) for user.



            This operation will load the HTML form page


            1. The user need to enter the OAUTH code
            2. Then submit to authorize the device


            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity get-authorise-page [flags]



            Application Type


            ID of an device


            Device Name


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for get-authorise-page

            Default value: false


            OAuth code


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity get-identity

            Get a user in current tenant



            Use this operation to get a user in the current tenant


            404 (Not Found)

            The user you requested does not exist in the tenant

            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity get-identity [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for get-identity

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            ID of an User


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity get-jwt

            Get jwt token by exchanging the oauth code and state



            Use this operation to get jwt token by exchanging the oauth code and state.


            1. In return we will get access token, refresh token and expiry
            2. Access token will have tenantID,userID,roleId etc along with baseOrgId


            400 (Bad Request)


            422 (Unprocessable Content)

            The given values for oauth code and state is not in correct format

            423 (Locked)

            This identity is locked/disabled

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity get-jwt [flags]



            Get JWT token by exchanging the oauth code and state


            Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


            Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

            Default value: json


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for get-jwt

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity get-login-page

            Login page UI for user.



            This operation will load the HTML page to login


            1. The user need to enter the email and valid password
            2. Then submit to get oauth code and state


            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity get-login-page [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for get-login-page

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity get-password-set-page

            Get Password set UI page for user.



            This operation will load the HTML page to set password using OTP


            This method will only work with locally users (not OAUTH)


            1. The user needs to enter the OTP received over email in this page or auto-filled from the URL.
            2. Then submit to set a new password


            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity get-password-set-page [flags]



            Email ID of an User


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for get-password-set-page

            Default value: false


            OTP to set the new password


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity get-self-user

            Get Current Logged in User details



            Use this operation get the current logged in user details


            400 (Bad Request)


            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity get-self-user [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for get-self-user

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity list-users

            Get all users present in current tenant



            This operation will get all users present in current tenant


            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity list-users [flags]



            email of the user


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for list-users

            Default value: false


            what page of the pagination

            Default value: 1


            items per page

            Default value: 10


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity login-identity

            Get oauth code for given credentials (email and password)



            Use this operation to get oauth code for given credentials (email and password)


            400 (Bad Request)


            401 (Unauthorized)

            User credentials are not correct or doesn’t belong to the tenant

            423 (Locked)

            This identity is locked/disabled

            422 (Unprocessable Content)

            Document validation failed

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity login-identity [flags]



            Login with email and password


            Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


            Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

            Default value: json


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for login-identity

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity logout-all-identity

            Logout all the session of the user



            Use this operation to logout all the sessions of the user by expiring them


            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            423 (Locked)

            Resource targeted cannot be modified

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity logout-all-identity [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for logout-all-identity

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity logout-identity

            Logout current user and current session



            Use this operation to logout current user and current session by expiring the session


            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            423 (Locked)

            Resource targeted cannot be modified

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity logout-identity [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for logout-identity

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity refresh-jwt

            Get jwt token by exchanging the access token and refresh token.



            Use this operation to get new jwt access token by exchanging refresh token with valid access token.


            In return we will get a new access token, refresh token and it’s expiry. Refresh token will be the same as before if refreshed to get new access token with same OrgId and RoleId. The roleId and OrgId in the request can be used to switch role/org post login.


            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            423 (Locked)

            This identity is locked/disabled

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity refresh-jwt [flags]



            Get JWT token by exchanging the access token and refresh token


            Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


            Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

            Default value: json


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for refresh-jwt

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity reset-password

            Password Reset



            This operation will begin the password reset process.

            WARNING this will not impact any currently logged in users.


            This method will only work with local users (not OAUTH)


            1. The user will be emailed a link to change their password
            2. The email & link will contain a one time passcode (OTP)
            3. The user have to click the link and proceed with the given otp


            412 (Precondition Failed)

            If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated. This method will list all roles for a user

            423 (Locked)

            User is not a local user

            Note for record not found

            When the user you requested (by email-id) does not exist in the current tenant unit, instead of showing email-id not found it will send a 200 not exposing if the user is present in the system or not

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity reset-password [flags]



            Email ID of an User


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for reset-password

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity set-password

            Set Password for user



            This operation will set the password for the user.


            This method will only work with locally users (not OAUTH)


            1. The user need to enter the OTP received over email and a valid new password
            2. The OTP will be validated against the email
            3. Password history rules will be checked.
            4. If the new password value passes the rules then new password will be set against the identity


            404 (Not Found)

            The user you requested does not exist in the tenant

            423 (Locked)

            User is disabled

            400 (Invalid OTP)

            Invalid OTP entered

            422 (Unprocessable Content)

            Password validation failed

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity set-password [flags]



            Password to be set using OTP


            Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


            Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

            Default value: json


            Email ID of an User


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for set-password

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity update-identity

            Update a user in current tenant



            This operation will update a user

            WARNING this will update the user’s information in the current tenant


            This method will only allow updating of local users


            409 (Conflict)

            Email address already in use

            412 (Precondition Failed)

            If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

            422 (Unprocessable Content)

            The policy does not meet the validation requirements. Reference the errors in the response for more details.

            423 (Locked)

            User is not a local user

            400 (Bad Request)


            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity update-identity [flags]



            The updated user information


            Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


            Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

            Default value: json


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for update-identity

            Default value: false


            If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            ID of an User


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity update-self-user

            Update the current user



            This operation will update the current user


            This method will only allow updating of local user any other type of user (Node, Token, OAuth will fail)


            409 (Conflict)

            Email address already in use

            412 (Precondition Failed)

            If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

            422 (Unprocessable Content)

            The policy does not meet the validation requirements. Reference the errors in the response for more details.

            423 (Locked)

            User is not a local user

            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account identity update-self-user [flags]



            The updated user information


            Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


            Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

            Default value: json


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for update-self-user

            Default value: false


            If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account jwt

            Commands related to jwt



            help for jwt

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account jwt jwt-expiry-set

            Update the Expiry durations for tenant.



            Use this operation to update the JWT Token expiry duration, Oauth expiry duration and the Session expiry duration. The duration should always be set in seconds.


            422 (Unprocessable Content)

            Request Body should have at least one field present


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account jwt jwt-expiry-set [flags]



            The duration update information (in seconds).


            Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


            Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

            Default value: json


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for jwt-expiry-set

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account jwt rotate-jwt-secret

            Rotate the jwt secret



            Rotate the jwt secret for the given tenant.


            404 (Not Found)

            The requested data does not exist in the current organizational unit

            401 (Unauthorized)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired.

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource.

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource.


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account jwt rotate-jwt-secret [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for rotate-jwt-secret

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account self

            Commands related to self



            help for self

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account self create-token

            create a new API token for the signed in user



            Use this operation to assign a new api token for a user


            422 (Unprocessable Content)

            Field validation error

            423 (Locked)

            The role is not a valid user assignable role

            409 (Conflict)

            Resource is already in use

            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account self create-token [flags]



            Token to be created


            Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


            Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

            Default value: json


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for create-token

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account self delete-token

            Deletes current user’s API token



            Use this operation to delete current user’s API token in the current organization and role


            404 (Not Found)

            The token requested does not exist in the organization or is not assigned to the user

            412 (Precondition Failed)

            If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account self delete-token [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for delete-token

            Default value: false


            If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            ID of a API Token


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account self get-organization

            GET the organization of the current logged in user


            This method will get organizational unit details of the current logged in user


            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account self get-organization [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for get-organization

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account self get-role

            Get current Users active role



            Use this operation to get the user’s currently active role.


            404 (Not Found)

            The role you requested does not exist in the organization

            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account self get-role [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for get-role

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account self get-token

            Get current user’s API token information



            Use this operation get current user’s API token information


            404 (Not Found)

            The requested token is not assigned to the user

            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account self get-token [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for get-token

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            ID of a API Token


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account self list-organizations

            Get all organizations current user is assigned to



            This operation will search for all organizations in which current user is assigned.


            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account self list-organizations [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for list-organizations

            Default value: false


            what page of the pagination

            Default value: 1


            items per page

            Default value: 10


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account self list-roles

            List current Users roles



            Use this operation to list all the roles assigned to the current user. Roles can be filtered based on the Organization Id by sending the id in the query params.


            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account self list-roles [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for list-roles

            Default value: false


            the organization id


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account self list-tokens

            List all the tokens for the signed in user in current organization



            Use this operation to list all of a tokens assigned to the user in the current organization and role


            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account self list-tokens [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for list-tokens

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account self revoke-token

            revoke current user’s API Token



            Use this operation to revoke (immediately expire) but not delete an API token in the current organization and role


            404 (Not Found)

            The token you requested does not exist in the current organizational unit or is not assigned to the user

            409 (Conflict)

            The token is already revoked

            412 (Precondition Failed)

            If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

            401 (Unauthorised)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account self revoke-token [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for revoke-token

            Default value: false


            If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            ID of a API Token


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user

            Commands related to user



            help for user

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user add-user

            Add a user to current organization



            If user exists it will add to organization. If user does not exist it creates the user, sends password set email and then adds them to organization

            WARNING A user can not login unless that have at least one enabled role.


            1. The user must already exist as a local user in the tenant for this operation to succeed
            2. This is commonly only used for local users, for OAUTH users the OAUTH flow can be configured to automaticly add the user and roles to the organizations


            404 (Not Found)

            The user you requested does not exist in the tenant

            423 (Locked)

            The user you requested is locked/disabled in the tenant

            409 (Conflict)

            user already exists in this organization

            401 (Unauthorized)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired.

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource.

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource.


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user add-user [flags]



            User to be created


            Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


            Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

            Default value: json


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for add-user

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user assign-role

            Assigns a user a new role in current organization unit.



            Use this operation to assign a role to an existing user


            Until a user is asigned at least one role they will not be able to login


            404 (Not Found)

            The role you requested does not exist in the organization

            409 (Conflict)

            The role is already assigned to this user

            422 (Role validation failed)

            The roles is a System/Service role not a user role

            423 (Locked)

            The role/user is disabled

            401 (Unauthorized)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired.

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource.

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource.


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user assign-role [flags]



            Role to be assigned to this user


            Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


            Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

            Default value: json


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for assign-role

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            ID of an User


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user assign-roles

            Create bulk users and assign respective roles to each user.



            If the user with the provided email already exists,the API will assign the specified role(s) to the user as a final set of roles. If the user does not exist, the API will create the user, and the API will assign the specified role(s) to the user as a final set of roles. If the provided role does not exist, the API returns an error. List of users in request object is limited.If the limit exceeded server will through an error.


            404 (Not Found)

            The role you requested does not exist in the organization.

            409 (Conflict)

            The role is already assigned to this user.

            422 (Role validation failed)

            The role is a system or service role, not a user role.

            423 (Locked)

            The role or user is disabled.

            401 (Unauthorized)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid or expired.

            403 (Forbidden)

            A user with this role is not allowed to access the resource.

            413 (Content Too Large)

            Request entity is larger than the limits defined by the server

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected errors occurred while requesting this resource.

            502 (Bad Gateway Error)

            Communication error between two web servers.

            503 (Service Unavailable)

            The request service is not responsive.


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user assign-roles [flags]



            Roles to be assigned to the list of provided user


            Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


            Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

            Default value: json


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for assign-roles

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user create-token

            create a new API token for the user in current organization



            Use this operation to assign a new api token for a user


            404 (Not Found)

            The user you requested does not exist in the organization

            404 (Not Found)

            The role you requested is not assigned to the user

            409 (Conflict)

            The user is disabled

            423 (Locked)

            The user is locked

            422 (Validation failed)

            The expiration date is incorrect

            401 (Unauthorized)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired.

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource.

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource.


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user create-token [flags]



            Token to be created


            Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


            Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

            Default value: json


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for create-token

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            ID of an User


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user delete-role

            Delete a given role for a given user.



            Use this operation to remove a role from a user. This will prevent the user from accessing this role upon the next login.


            404 (Not Found)

            The user requested does not exist in the organization

            404 (Not Found)

            The role you requested does not exist in the organization

            412 (Precondition Failed)

            If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

            401 (Unauthorized)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired.

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource.

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource.


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user delete-role [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for delete-role

            Default value: false


            If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            ID of a Role


            ID of an User


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user delete-token

            Deletes a user’s API token in current organization



            Use this operation to delete a users API token.


            404 (Not Found)

            The user you requested does not exist in the organization

            404 (Not Found)

            The token requested does not exist in the organization or is not assigned to the user

            412 (Precondition Failed)

            If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

            409 (Conflict)

            The user is disabled

            423 (Locked)

            The user is locked

            401 (Unauthorized)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired.

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource.

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource.


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user delete-token [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for delete-token

            Default value: false


            If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            ID of a API Token


            ID of an User


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user disable-role

            Disable a given role for a given user in the current organization unit



            Use this operation to disable a role for given user in current organization unit.

            WARNING This will enabled this role only for given user in the current organization unit


            404 (Not Found)

            The user you requested does not exist in the current organization unit

            404 (Not Found)

            The role you requested is not assigned to this user in the organization unit

            409 (Conflict)

            The role for given user is already disabled

            412 (Precondition Failed)

            If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

            401 (Unauthorized)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired.

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource.

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource.


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user disable-role [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for disable-role

            Default value: false


            If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            ID of a Role


            ID of an User


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user disable-user

            Disable a user for the current organizational unit



            Use this operation when there is a need to disable a user without deleting them.

            WARNING This will disable this user only for the current organizational unit


            404 (Not Found)

            The user you requested does not exist in the current organizational unit

            409 (Conflict)

            The user is already disabled

            401 (Unauthorized)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired.

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource.

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource.


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user disable-user [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for disable-user

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            ID of an User


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user enable-role

            Enable a given role for a given user in the current organization unit



            Use this operation to enable a role for given user in current organization unit.

            WARNING This will enabled this role only for given user in the current organization unit


            404 (Not Found)

            The user you requested does not exist in the current organization unit

            409 (Conflict)

            The role for given user is already enabled

            412 (Precondition Failed)

            If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

            401 (Unauthorized)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired.

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource.

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource.


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user enable-role [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for enable-role

            Default value: false


            If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            ID of a Role


            ID of an User


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user enable-user

            Enable a user for the current organizational unit



            Use this operation to enable a user in current organization unit.

            WARNING This will enabled this user only for the current organizational unit


            404 (Not Found)

            The user you requested does not exist in the current organizational unit

            409 (Conflict)

            The user is already enabled

            401 (Unauthorized)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired.

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource.

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource.


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user enable-user [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for enable-user

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            ID of an User


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user get-role

            Get details of a given role for a given user.



            Use this operation to get the details on a role assigned to a user


            404 (Not Found)

            The user requested does not exist in the organization

            404 (Not Found)

            The role you requested is not assigned to this user in the organization

            401 (Unauthorized)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired.

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource.

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource.


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user get-role [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for get-role

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            ID of a Role


            ID of an User


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user get-token

            Get a user’s API token in current organization



            Use this operation to get a users API token


            404 (Not Found)

            The policy requested does not exist in the organization

            409 (Conflict)

            The user is disabled

            423 (Locked)

            The user is locked

            401 (Unauthorized)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired.

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource.

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource.


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user get-token [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for get-token

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            ID of a API Token


            ID of an User


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user getJwt-apiToken

            Get jwt token by exchanging the oauth code and state for the selected tenant, org, role and user



            Use this operation to get jwt token by exchanging the oauth code and state for the selected tenant, org, role and user


            403 (Unauthorized)

            The given oauth code and state is not valid

            422 (Unprocessable Content)

            The given values for oauth code and state is not in correct format

            423 (Locked)

            This identity is locked/disabled

            423 (Locked)

            This user is disabled in the org where the token belongs

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource.


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user getJwt-apiToken [flags]



            Get JWT token by exchanging the oauth code and state


            Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


            Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

            Default value: json


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for getJwt-apiToken

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user list-roles

            List roles assigned to given user



            Use this operation to list all roles assigned to a user


            404 (Not Found)

            The user you requested does not exist in the organization

            401 (Unauthorized)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired.

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource.

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource.


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user list-roles [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for list-roles

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            ID of an User


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user list-tokens

            List all the tokens for the user in current organization



            Use this operation to list all tokens assigned to the user


            404 (Not Found)

            The user is not found in the organization

            409 (Conflict)

            The user is disabled

            423 (Locked)

            The user is locked

            401 (Unauthorized)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired.

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource.

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource.


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user list-tokens [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for list-tokens

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            ID of an User


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user list-users

            Find all users present in current organization unit.



            This operation will search for users in the current organization.


            422 (Unprocessable Content)

            The request query string options does not meet the validation requirements. Reference the errors in the response for more details.

            401 (Unauthorized)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired.

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource.

            404 (Not Found)

            The server could not located the requested resource.

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource.


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user list-users [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for list-users

            Default value: false


            what page of the pagination

            Default value: 1


            items per page

            Default value: 10


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user login-apiToken

            Get oauth code for given TenantId and API token



            This operation will get oauth code for given TenantId and API token


            401 (Unauthorized)

            The API token doesn’t belong to the tenant

            401 (Unauthorized)

            The API token in expired

            423 (Locked)

            This identity is locked/disabled

            423 (Locked)

            This user is disabled in the org in which the token belongs

            422 (Unprocessable Content)

            The request query string options does not meet the validation requirements. Reference the errors in the response for more details.

            401 (Unauthorized)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired.

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource.

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource.


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user login-apiToken [flags]



            Get oauth code for given tenant and api token


            Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


            Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

            Default value: json


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for login-apiToken

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user remove-user

            Delete a user from current organization



            Use this operation to remove a user from the current organization.


            This will NOT remove the user from the tenant, it will only remove this user from the current organization.


            404 (Not Found)

            The node or role you requested does not exist in the organization

            401 (Unauthorized)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired.

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource.

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource.


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user remove-user [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for remove-user

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            ID of an User


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user revoke-token

            revoke the API Token for an user in teh current organization



            Use this operation to revoke (immediately expire) but not delete an API token


            404 (Not Found)

            The user you requested does not exist in the current organizational unit

            404 (Not Found)

            The token you requested does not exist in the current organizational unit or is not assigned to the user

            409 (Conflict)

            The token is already revoked

            412 (Precondition Failed)

            If the “If-Match” header is included in the request, this error status indicates that the value of “If-Match” (the ETag information) did not match and therefore the entity was not updated.

            423 (Locked)

            The user is locked

            401 (Unauthorized)

            The credential used to access this resource is invalid/expired.

            403 (Forbidden)

            User with this role is not allowed to access the resource.

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource.


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user revoke-token [flags]



            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for revoke-token

            Default value: false


            If-Match will compare the supplied etag to the resource requested. If the etag does not match the operation will be aborted.


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            ID of a API Token


            ID of an User


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user verify-api

            Verify the token for login



            Use this operation to verify the API token and API secret.


            1. This is used by the Authentication service, and thus allows anonymous access

            WARNING: The Expand parameter may require change in the future it is intended to be used by the authentication system and not directly by end users. This may need to move to a header varaible with a token to allow the expand operation to occur


            401 (Unauthorized)

            API Key or Token are not valid for the tenant

            404 (Not Found)

            The tenant does not exist

            422 (Unprocessable Content)

            The requested payload does not meet the validation requirements. Reference the errors in the response for more details.

            423 (Locked)

            This API token has expired

            500 (Internal Server Error)

            Some unexpected error occurred requesting this resource.


            chef-platform-auth-cli user-account user verify-api [flags]



            Tenant, API Key and Secret key


            Path to file in the local system containing valid body parameter value


            Format of the --body or --body-file, options: json, yaml, toml

            Default value: json


            to print response in format

            Default value: json


            help for verify-api

            Default value: false


            name of the profile to be used for cmd

            Default value: default


            ID of an User


            to show debug logs

            Default value: false

            See also

            chef-platform-auth-cli version

            Chef Platform version


            chef-platform-auth-cli version [flags]



            help for version

            Default value: false

            See also

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